
VMCache is a TSR hard-disk cache that uses EMS memory.
vmcache [-12fhinsu] [-a#] [-e#] [-r{#|+}] [-w#]

In option descriptions, the symbol “#” stands for a decimal number.

These options are available only when installing VMCache:

vmcache -1, -2
Cache only the first or second hard drive. By default, VMCache caches both drives (or drive 1 if only one is installed).
vmcache -i
Place the cache index in EMS. Normally, the index is kept in conventional memory. Placing it in EMS may slow access, but reduces the amount of system memory required. Using “-i” allocates 16K of EMS to the index. This is less effective with a small cache, as VMCache requires only 1 to 2K of index per megabyte of cache.
vmcache -a#
Allocate all but #K of EMS to the cache. This option will leave the specified amount of EMS available for other programs. Use either -a or -e but not both.
vmcache -e#
Allocate #K of EMS to the cache. The default is 512K. The actual amount of EMS used may differ from the number given by several K because of rounding of block sizes. Values may range up to 32768 (32M bytes), but varying limits on the sizes of internal data structures may restrict the amount of memory that can be used.
vmcache -r#
Enable readahead when filling the cache from disk. Up to # additional sectors are read and cached beyond the number requested. The default is approximately 1/4 of a full track.
vmcache -r+
Enable readahead and set the readahead length to one full track.
vmcache -w#
Enable delayed-write caching where # is the time in seconds that data are held before writing to disk. The legal range of values is 0.0 to 60.0, with an optional decimal point followed by one digit for 1/10 second resolution. Selecting 0 delays writes by 0.2 second, long enough to catch most multiple writes to a single track. Delayed writes are off by default.

vmcache -f

Flush the cache. This option forces VMCache to flush all delayed-write data in the cache to disk. It does not invalidate the cache.

vmcache -s

Display statistics on cache hits and misses.

vmcache -u

Uninstall VMCache. This function attempts to remove VMCache completely from memory, but that may not be possible if other TSRs have been installed afterwards. In that case, it disables the cache.


FILEC is Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) utility that reduces the number of keystrokes needed to enter long filenames. When the HOTKEY is pressed FILEC reads a partial filename as typed by the user and attempts to complete the filename by seaching the appropriate directory. The completed filename is then pasted by FILEC, as if the user had typed it. Dafault <HOT_KEY> is ESC.

e.g.   C:\ type au<HOT_KEY>
C:\ type autoexec.bat

If FILEC can not find a unique completion it only pastes as much as is common to the multiple completions. The user then must type an extra letter and try again. For example if the current directory contains both COMMAND.COM and CONFIG.SYS then following will occur.

 C:\ dir c<HOT_KEY>
 C:\ dir co
The user must then add either the M or N depend on what she wants.
C:\ dir com<HOT_KEY>
C:\ dir
If the partial filename doesn't match any existing filename then FILEC will paste nothing at all and merely beep at you.
C:\ type phantom<HOT_KEY>
C:\ type phantom

FILEC also completes directory names in the same manner. For example if you have a disk with two levels of subdirectoryies then the following is possible.

C:\ dir A:\ba<HOT_KEY>
C:\ dir A:\basement
Notice that FILEC recognizes the disk drive specified was A: and searches accordingly. You can then add to what FILEC has just added.
C:\ dir A:\basement\ca<HOT_KEY>
C:\ dir A:\basement\carpark
FILEC also understands parent and root directories.
A:\CARPARK\ type ..\carpark\j<HOT_KEY>
A:\CARPARK\ type ..\carpark\jaguar.xjs


RECALL is a memory-resident commandline editor and history utility. If you've been using DOS' built-in yet primitive editing keys until now you'll be pleasantly surprised. With RECALL you get improved commandline editing as well as a 1K buffer for keeping track of old commandlines.

Once installed in memory it takes about 2.5k momory RECALL intercepts requests for buffered input and processes them itself. Typically DOS uses this type of input to read commands at the familiar “C>” prompt; DEBUG and LIST use it too. Most keystrokes are saved in a buffer while you edit the commandline and then passed along when you hit <ENTER>. A few special keys, however, let you edit what you've just typed or even recall commands entered earlier. These special keys - described below - are what make RECALL so useful.

With RECALL resident, chances are you won't even notice its presence. Not, that is, until you need it. You'll enter commandlines as you did before. Only now, RECALL's power is just a keystroke away. Here's a summary of its features:

          Key                 Action
          ---------------     -----------------------------------------
Movement: <LEFT>              Move cursor 1 character to left
          <RIGHT>             Move cursor 1 character to right
          <PGUP>              Move cursor 1 "word" to left
          <PGDN>              Move cursor 1 "word" to right
          <HOME>              Move cursor to start of line
          <END>               Move cursor to end of line

History:  <UP>                Display previous command in recall buffer
          <DOWN>              Display next command in recall buffer

          <CTRL><LEFT>        Delete 1 character to left of cursor
          <BS>                "
          <CTRL><RIGHT>       Delete 1 character at cursor
          <DEL>               "
          <CTRL><PGUP>        Delete to start of previous "word"
          <CTRL><PGDN>        Delete to start of next "word"
          <CTRL><HOME>        Delete to start of line
          <CTRL><END>         Delete to end of line
          <ESC>               Delete entire line

Toggle:   <INS>               Toggle insert/overwrite mode
          ---------------     -----------------------------------------

[A “word” is delineated by blanks or the start/end of a commandline.] As a rule then, <KEY> serves to move along a commandline while <CTRL><KEY> serves to delete the corresponding group of characters.

After you've worked for a while you may want to list commandlines entered earlier. In this case invoke RECALL with the '-l' option to display the current buffer contents. You can redirect this output to a file, printer, or even another program using DOS' redirection characters '>', '»', and '|'.

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