Windows Live Messenger
Windows Live Messenger, also known as MSN Messenger, has been discontinued by Microsoft in order to succeed with Skype. However, MSN Messenger had unique features and characteristics that even today cause nostalgia and nostalgia among users. Now, a group of users got to work and resurrected MSN Messenger! Find out how to install and use it again! Launched at the end of the last century in response to the revolutionary ICQ, MSN Messenger was an essential milestone in the history of platforms for online communication. With particular emphasis on Brazil and Portugal, where it achieved considerable success, MSN Messenger was a driver for several users to take their first steps on the Internet. Now, with the purchase of Skype by Microsoft in 2011, MSN Messenger is no longer the priority of the Redmond company and its downward phase has begun. On May 27, 2013, the service was definitely discontinued. Since then, users have been looking for alternatives to communicate with each other, the most popular being WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

Nevertheless, and certainly motivated by the nostalgia, charisma and unique features of Windows Live Messenger, a set of developers has brought the service back to life and is functional! The project was developed by EscargotMSN which used several versions of Messenger, modified them and created new servers to be able to use the service again.

MSN Messenger

Learn how to install and configure
The service is free. The user only needs to access the EscargotMSN website, where they will find the MSN versions available for download. The recommendation by the team itself is that the user install the latest versions that are available, in this case 8.1.0178 and 8.5.

In the list of versions, you can find several languages from Portuguese from Portugal to Brazilian Portuguese and English. You should download one of the available versions, of your choice, and run the installer. Once Windows Live Messenger is installed on your computer, you must register on the platform. Even if you were a WLM user in your heyday, you will need to create a new account because the Microsoft servers that supported the service were shut down when it was discontinued. The servers that currently support this Windows Live Messenger are from EscargotMSN itself.

In this way, all your conversations, contacts and history that you had were deleted and you will have to start over again. You can register on the EscargotMSN website, you just need to enter your email and set a password to access the account.

If you want to have access to the older versions of MSN Messenger 1, 2, 3 and 4, you must select the box found below, in the registration menu. Access to these versions requires a special registration but EscargotMSN warns you to be insecure! As mentioned above, you should prioritize the latest versions that are available for download.

Below the menu where you registered, you can find Messenger Plus !, available in versions 3.63.148 and 4.83.374. This is an add-on designed by Patchou that will bring several extras to Windows Live Messenger, namely the possibility to switch between accounts more easily, change theme colors, font styles, etc.

After completing the whole procedure, it is time to try and return to using the nostalgic Windows Live Messenger. Although its development has been stagnant for several years and therefore cannot be compared with the current offer on the market, MSN Messenger continues to have unique characteristics.

The famous draw attention that shakes the recipient's screen is a memorable feature and, even today, is not present in online communication services. Being a somewhat remote project and removed from Microsoft itself, of course it will not be used as much as the original WLM.

Therefore, there is the suggestion to leave in the comments box your email with which you registered with MSN Messenger. This way, it will be much easier to have contacts so that you can try the iconic service again!

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