VRLib Editor
With the VRLib Editor, you can open or create new libraries, edit library parameters like version, placeholder, sky and ground settings. You can load textures and sounds into it and you can load your very chosen 3D objects into the library and edit all its parameters.

One purpose of the VRLib Editor is to create libraries containing all the textures, sounds and 3D objects needed for your VRF. This is a very simple task. You just have to create a new library with VRLib Editor and load all your textures, sounds and 3D objects into it. Then save your library template (*.vtpl) for future editing. If you wish to publish your library open your library template (*.vtpl) and from the menu select “Publish library”, this will save your library in published state as a (*.vlib) , then upload the library to your Github hosting space and note a lib tag in your VRF file with the URL leading to your new library. Now you can use the textures, sounds and 3D objects of your library by referencing them the same way you do with standard libraries.

VRLib Editor is not is a 3D object editor. You will have to design your 3D objects in an 3D editor like PolyDraw before loading them into a library. Fortunately, on the other hand, VRLib Editor will make the editing task much easier, since it will add the sides of 3D objects creating automatically the texture coordinates so you can add your custom textures to your custom 3D object.

VRLib Supported File Formats

Format Type Max Width Max Height
JPEG Image 1024 1024
GIF Image 1024 1024
APNG (VRI) Image 1024 1024
PNG (VRI) Image 1024 1024
WAV Sound

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