In computer networks, download means to receive data from a remote system, typically a server such as a web server, an FTP server, an email server, or other similar system. This contrasts with uploading, where data is sent to a remote server. A download is a file offered for downloading or that has been downloaded, or the process of receiving such a file.
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PTSource Basic
PTSource Basic is a free revival and 100% compatible clone of the iconic Microsoft GW-BASIC and IBM BASICA for DOS operating systems, offering a modern take on these classic programming languages. Designed for both nostalgia and functionality, PTSource Basic enhances the original features with improved performance, and support for contemporary hardware and software environments. This new iteration preserves the simplicity and accessibility that made GW-BASIC and IBM BASICA beloved by hobbyists and educator. PTSource Basic provides a perfect blend of traditional programming ease and modern efficiency, making it an good choice for enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

PTSource Disk Stats
PTSource Disk Stats gives you detailed statistics about all your fixed disk drives. Key details include the total capacity of each drive, the amount of used and free space, and the number of files and directories stored helping users manage and optimize their storage effectively.

PTSource SET
PTSource SET is a SET enhancement with many new features. The SET command is used to set values that will be used by programs. DOS holds the set strings in the area of memory reserved for the environment (if the string already exists in the environment, it is replaced).

PTSource Load Sys
PTSource Load Sys is a DEVLOAD enhancement with many new features. DEVLOAD provides a method of loading device drivers from the command line under MS-DOS, rather than having to re-boot in order to load extra drivers.

PTSource XCopy
PTSource XCopy is a XCOPY enhancement with many new features. XCOPY is a much more powerful copying command than the COPY command. It is especially useful when backing up your fixed disk. A common usage would be to use the /S option along with the /D:date option to back up only the files that have been changed since the date of your last backup.

PTSource DMI
PTSource DMI shows in a graphical display disk and memory usage. Memory and hard disk are two essential components of a computer system. Memory refers to the temporary storage used by a computer to perform its operations, while a hard disk is a permanent storage device used to store data and programs.

PTSource CAL
PTSource CAL is an enhanced version of the unix cal command. It is compatible to the unix version in that it uses the same input arguments and its output may be piped or redirected anywhere. PTSource CAL displays a calendar for a specified year, a specified month and year, or for the current date. By default, it displays a calendar for the current system-date month, with the current day hilighted. It correctly handles the transition from the Julian to Gregorian calendars in September 1752.

PTSource VI
PTSource VI is a aspiring VI clone. The VI editor is a powerful text editor available on almost all Unix systems. It is a very versatile text editor with many features that make it ideal for editing text files. The VI editor is a very user-friendly text editor with a wide variety of features that make it a great choice for editing text files.

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