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vrffiles @soft:vrgrid
2 Hits, Last modified:
gular area of an imagemap, the coordinates x1, y1 refer to the top left corner of the rectangle, and x2, y2 refer to the bottom right corner. When creating a circu
tutorial @soft:vrgrid
10 Hits, Last modified:
hen the <sky> texture will be seen there. If you prefer, you can set a color for the sky rather than a te... be placed anywhere within the <design> tag. Some prefer to put their <enter> tags immediately following the layer in which they occur, others prefer to keep all of their <enter> tags together just b... te allows you to name each enter, so that you can refer to them later. They act sort of like targets in H
tutorial @soft:phphum
1 Hits, Last modified:
nction, param1 can receive the value IDDEFAULT to refer to the parent window itself instead of a control.
htaccesshowto @tips
2 Hits, Last modified:
d. # # If you would prefer to use option 2, just comment out all option 1 li... nt and a better idea than all.css?v1231, # please refer to the bundled documentation about `.htaccess`. #