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- freecompilers @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) me... anslates computer code written in one programming language (the source language) into another language (the target language). The name "compiler" is primarily used fo
- formats @soft:platform
- - TeraTerm Macro - IDL (Interactive Data Language by RSI) - Dynamic C - dsPIC Assembly -... 000 Assembly - Allegro/APD SKILL - Octave Language - TEA Language - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) - Windows Resource Script - MIDL (Microsoft Interface Definition Language) - MS T/SQL - Objective-C - DirectX F
- shelllinks @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) me... systems. The shell is both an interactive command language and a scripting language, and is used by the operating system to control the execution of the system using
- clinks @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) me... rials for C/C++ programmers.) }} <well> C and C++ Language </well> C and C++ are general-purpose, procedural... use in applications previously coded in assembly language. Such applications include operating systems and
- phplinks @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met... als for PHP programmers.) }} <well> PHP Scripting Language </well> PHP is a general-purpose scripting language especially suited to web development. PHP code is usual
- webasmlinks @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) me... le programs, and a corresponding textual assembly language, as well as interfaces for facilitating interacti... longside HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, is the fourth language to run natively in browsers. In order to use Wasm
- tutorial @soft:mvmdos
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, css, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, html, ... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met... guages The following table lists each country or language supported by MiniVMDOS. The table also lists the ... the two character sets listed for each country or language is its default character set. <sxh plain;> Coun
- files_dos
- general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. Though Perl is not officially an acronym, there ... se, including "Practical Extraction and Reporting Language". ;#; {{ Editor is a editor especially suited to Assembly Language, or any Command-Line compiler. If you're using MA... s, binary files, text files, and various computer language source code files (with configurable syntax highl
- phphum @soft:phphum
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, css, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, html, ... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met... ~ <well> Scripting </well> A scripting or script language is a programming language for a special run-time environment that automates the execution of tasks, the tas
- platform @soft:platform
- as coding) of algorithms in a target programming language. <well> PTSource Developer Platform </well> PTSou... ompilers Included </well> |< 100%>| ^ Compiler ^ Language ^ Machine ^ | Batari | Basic | Atari 2600 | | Pas... ompilers Included </well> |< 100%>| ^ Compiler ^ Language ^ | Freewrap | Tcl/Tk | | PyInstaller, Py2exe | P... ompilers Included </well> |< 100%>| ^ Compiler ^ Language ^ x86 ^ x64 ^ Version ^ | HarbourMG | C/CLI | Y
- html5links @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met... ) }} <well> HTML5 Markup </well> Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted
- webvrlinks @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met... D world editor and a powerful, visual programming language. * [[|Beloola]] * Belool... m/|GLAM]] * GLAM (GL And Markup) is a declarative language for 3D web content. * [[
- aframelinks @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) me... uriVR]] * Create sharable VR scenes using natural language and zero code. [[
- sidebysideassemblies @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) me... itecture="x86" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*"></assemblyIdentity> </dependentAssembly>
- vrgrid @soft:vrgrid
- tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its... tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its... tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its