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- TeraTerm Macro - IDL (Interactive Data Language by RSI) - Dynamic C - dsPIC Assembly -... 000 Assembly - Allegro/APD SKILL - Octave Language - TEA Language - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) - Windows Resource Script - MIDL (Microsoft Interface Definition Language) - MS T/SQL - Objective-C - DirectX F
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as coding) of algorithms in a target programming language. <well> PTSource Developer Platform </well> PTSou... ompilers Included </well> |< 100%>| ^ Compiler ^ Language ^ x86 ^ x64 ^ Version ^ | HarbourMG | C/CLI | Y
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B for example). It is up to you which compiler or language you want to add and use. - Download Borland C+... e" } project "MyProject" kind "ConsoleApp" language "C++" files { "**.h", "**.cpp" } filter {