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- tutorial @soft:vrgrid
- mples covered in this tutorial in the VRGrid menu under tutorials and samples. </alert> <well> Getting S... pository web adreess in the repository "Settings" under "Github Pages" " You shoud see "Your site is publ... e list of 3d objects reference in the VRGrid menu under "Libraries". We will use : * The full 3d objec... RGrid/|VRGrid Github]] as well in you VRGrid menu under "Tutorial and Samples" just load them in VRGrid a
- files_dos
- port of the FTE editor. FTE is a free (licensed under the GNU GPL) text editor for developers. It is re... port of the FED editor. FTE is a free (licensed under the GNU GPL) folding text editor for MS-DOS, Linu... port of the THE editor . THE is a free (licensed under the GNU GPL) text editor for developers and is av... er. Ranish Partition Manager is a free (licensed under the GNU GPL) hard disk partition editor, disk clo
- bkplinux @tips
- our hard drive data or to take a backup, licensed under GPL 3, it is similar to Norton Ghost on Windows b... ons, it also supports FreeBSD, and it is licensed under GPL. ;#; {{shots:mondorescue.png?nolink}} ;#; <w... open-source software backup, by default it works under Linux system and available to install from the pa
- vimcommands @tips
- text at the end of my current line. It also falls under those Vim commands used for inserting text. * ... use this handy little command to open your files under the cursor. * **gi** One of my most favori... <char>, and it will change the current character under the cursor with <char>. * **R** The capital R
- nmapcommands @tips
- it also helps beginners visualize how Nmap works under the hood. <well> Detect OS Information </well> N... ming parameters may cause Nmap to crash the hosts under inspection though. The default Nmap scan utilizes
- mysqltosqlite @tips
- s. </well> MySQL is free and open-source software under the terms of the GNU General Public License, and is also available under a variety of proprietary licenses. MySQL has stan
- freecompilers @tips
- preters which are distributed as free software or under a free software license, with the source code ava...|Write a compiler course]], under the supervision of David Beazly. * [[https://gi
- vr_modes @soft:vrgrid
- Side * DIY Rift * Side by Side Rift * Over Under * Checkerboard * AG (Red/Cyan) * AG (Red/Cy
- linuxwin @tips
- ;#; {{shots:zorinos.png?nolink&552x288}} ;#; Under the hood, Zorin OS is powered by Ubuntus Long-Te
- cloud_hosting @soft:vrgrid
- pository web adreess in the repository "Settings" under "Github Pages" " You shoud see "Your site is publ
- vrgrid @soft:vrgrid
- Side * DIY Rift * Side by Side Rift * Over Under * Checkerboard * AG (Red/Cyan) * AG (Red/Cy
- polydraw @soft:polydraw
- Pre-made example models inside the program folder under Objects. * Has lists to allow you to view & ed
- files_windows
- Pre-made example models inside the program folder under Objects. * Has lists to allow you to view & ed
- tmpwatch @tips
- eriodically. By default, it leaves a cronjob file under the /etc/cron.daily/tmpreaper directory. This cro
- subsystemforlinux @tips
- hat will provide you the root privileges and work under the system32 directory. ;#; {{