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12 Hits, Last modified:
e URL, and the next 4 will increase with the step value 25. <well>Retrieve URLs from Files</well> It... </well> HTTP headers may contain several name-value pairs which enable the client or server to transm... reates a form field called password and sends its value from the file //passfile//. <well>Set Personal... > HTTP PUT requests allow users to update the value of a field over remote connections. It works almo
8 Hits, Last modified:
der-only C++ library written for CUDA. The unique value of the library is in its accelerated primitives f... /|LevelDB]] - A fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides a... ://|LMDB]] - Very fast embedded key/value store with full ACID semantics. [OpenLDAP] * [[...|RocksDB]] - Embedded key-value store for fast storage from facebook. [BSD] * [
5 Hits, Last modified:
on cookie to something else, than PHPSESSID # php_value XGOSID # Disable magic quotes (This ... Off # Level of log detail - log all errors # php_value error_reporting -1 # Write errors to log file # p... _source Off # Size limit for error messages # php_value log_errors_max_len 1024 # Don not precede error w... t empty string, use whitespace if you need) # php_value error_prepend_string " " # Don not prepend to err
3 Hits, Last modified:
results, or several fields in a row. <sxh php;> $value=$db->singleQuery($query); </sxh> When you want returned a single-value result, for example when the query is something l... fetch_array or similar, and then select the first value with [0]) <well> Fetch results </well> MySQL <sxh
2 Hits, Last modified:
0.30729.4148 (found directly after the public key value encoded in the above path). This is higher than w... are three REG_BINARY values present, each with a value of 01 (meaning enabled; 00 means disabled). *
2 Hits, Last modified:
ared with the standard syntax. You can change the value of -T from 0 to 5, where 5 denotes the most aggre... ikely to alarm the remote host. You can lower the value of the –version-intensity option to increase anon
1 Hits, Last modified:
timoh6/TCrypto|TCrypto]] - A simple encrypted key-value storage library. * [[|VAddy]]