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escription=(PTSource technology news, commentary, tutorials and analysis, with reporting on big tech, startu... escription=(PTSource technology news, commentary, tutorials and analysis, with reporting on big tech, startu... les </well> PTSource technology news, commentary, tutorials and analysis, with reporting on big tech, startu
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e for Beginners}} * {{youtube>KeLiQXqVgMI | XML Tutorial for Beginners}} * {{youtube>iMacxZQMPXs | Learn... * {{youtube>2SpuBqvNjHI | Maths for Programmers Tutorial}} * {{youtube>75gBFiFtAb8 | x86 Assembly Crash Course}} * {{youtube>-oQvMHpKkms | Django Tutorial}} * {{youtube>ViNnfoE56V8 | Assembly Language i... ner to Expert}} * {{youtube>7S_tz1z_5bA | MySQL Tutorial for Beginners}} <well> Programming Games </well>