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s:///|Walt - Alternative Syntax for WebAssembly]] * [[https:///|wam - Superset of wast syntax that is more convenient for humans to write direc
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d. | You must follow the syntax given below to use the ''%%tar%%'' command. <sx
2 Hits, Last modified:
To scan both TCP and UDP ports, use the following syntax. <sxh bash;> $ nmap -p -T:20-25,80,443 U:53, 67,... time to complete when compared with the standard syntax. You can change the value of -T from 0 to 5, wher
1 Hits, Last modified:
the SQL standard, generally following PostgreSQL syntax. SQLite is a popular choice as embedded database
2 Hits, Last modified:
ers can use it as a reference guide. <well> cURL Syntax and Usage </well> The cURL utility supports a ple... C 3986. The below line will demonstrate the basic syntax of cURL. <sxh bash;> curl [options] [URL...] </s
3 Hits, Last modified:
line and libedit replacement that supports UTF-8, syntax highlighting, hints, works on Unix and Windows. [... a good balance between speed and ease of use. The syntax (API) is deliberately similar to Matlab. [MPL2] [... brary that provides an interface with MATLAB-like syntax. [Boost] * [[
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er case. <sxh plain;> @echo off if {%1}=={} @echo Syntax: LwrCase FullyQualifiedFileName&goto :EOF if not ... er case. <sxh plain;> @echo off if {%1}=={} @echo Syntax: LwrCase_Folder FullyQualifiedDirectoryName&goto
3 Hits, Last modified:
in your programs. <well> Ansi Escape Sequence Syntax </well> Each ANSI escape sequence has the same basic syntax . ESC[parameters-command (spaces added for readab... xtended Key conversion table and the redefine key syntax: * prompt $e[0;##;"command"p {without trailin