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vrgrid @soft:vrgrid
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odes|VRModes]] * [[:soft:vrgrid:3dobjects|Get Objects]] * [[:soft:vrgrid:sounds|Get Sounds]] * ... [[:soft:vrgrid:3dobjects|More than 1000 pre-made objects]] * [[:soft:vrgrid:textures|Ready to use free t
1 Hits, Last modified:
Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Cu
1 Hits, Last modified:
Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Cu
ptdiff @soft:ptdiff
1 Hits, Last modified:
of the differences and similarities between data objects, typically text files such as source code.The met