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- tutorial @soft:vrgrid
- gn is the section where you can customize your 3d objects, and where you create your actual global map. The... f a VRF file, where you use different kinds of 3d objects (represented by double ASCII characters) to build... The <lib> tag lets VRGrid know what library of 3d objects and textures to use to display the VRF. The first... then you won't have to supply a solid floor of 3d objects in your map. The ground will be the same as you
- tutorial @soft:polydraw
- Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Cu... Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Cu... o select items, either click on an object in the "Objects List", or select the vertices & triangles individ... ube to the right side of the Front View. * The "Objects List" shows that there are 2 objects (both cubes)
- polydraw @soft:polydraw
- Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Cu... Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Cu... l> Polygonal modeling is an approach for modeling objects by representing or approximating their surfaces u... er graphics. Alternate methods of representing 3D objects include NURBS surfaces, subdivision surfaces, and
- vrf_libeditor @soft:vrgrid
- unds into it and you can load your very chosen 3D objects into the library and edit all its parameters. <w... raries containing all the textures, sounds and 3D objects needed for your VRF. This is a very simple task. ... Editor and load all your textures, sounds and 3D objects into it. Then save your library template (*.vtpl)... rary. Now you can use the textures, sounds and 3D objects of your library by referencing them the same way
- files_windows
- Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Cu... nd more than 50 formats. * Allows you to create objects from sweeps & extrusions, basic shapes, meshes an... de example models inside the program folder under Objects. * Has lists to allow you to view & edit all t... Source Developer Platform]] * [[:soft:vrgrid:3d_objects|More than 1000 pre-made objects]] * [[:soft:vrg
- vrf_files @soft:vrgrid
- positions in the map and the placement of the 3D objects in the resulting VRF. The number attribute is req... gn of the VRF file, or they can be attached to 3D objects inside the <create> tag. Action can also be used ... ource. Sounds can also be assigned to specific 3D objects within the <create> tag. If used in the <create> ... ="no". Lights can also be assigned to specific 3D objects within the <create> tag. If used in the <create>
- 3d_objects @soft:vrgrid
- own 3D model format.) }} ~~SUBINDEXES~~ <well> 3D Objects </well> 3D computer graphics, or three-dimensiona... create your own custom libraries with the PTSource VRLib Editor. {{filelisting>objects}} ~~socialite~~
- vrgrid @soft:vrgrid
- Source Developer Platform]] * [[:soft:vrgrid:3d_objects|More than 1000 pre-made objects]] * [[:soft:vrgrid:textures|Ready to use free texture packs]] * [[:sof
- difftool @soft:platform
- of the differences and similarities between data objects, typically text files such as source code.The met
- start
- Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Cu
- scripting @soft:vrgrid
- phicon-info-sign" dismiss="false"> ** Pre-defined objects ** </alert> <well> vrf </well> The vrf object ho
- tutorial @soft:phphum
- the main loop is active, the various controls and objects keep sending messages to the main application win