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7 Hits, Last modified:
Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Cu... Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Cu... l> Polygonal modeling is an approach for modeling objects by representing or approximating their surfaces u... er graphics. Alternate methods of representing 3D objects include NURBS surfaces, subdivision surfaces, and
10 Hits, Last modified:
Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Cu... Windows x86 and x64, for creating or modifying 3D objects using a mesh of 3D points and parametric NURBS Cu... o select items, either click on an object in the "Objects List", or select the vertices & triangles individ... ube to the right side of the Front View. * The "Objects List" shows that there are 2 objects (both cubes)