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4 Hits, Last modified:
ayer is hindered, unless units are placed on this level to move over. <sxh xml;> <ground texture="folder/... > The <atmosphere> tag. Sets the atmosphere light level and color for the entire VRF. Default is 100% bri... . It is expected in general that each consecutive level defines a higher floor layer of the VRF. <sxh xml... , and gradually drops off to the atmosphere light level at the far end of the radius. The default value i
10 Hits, Last modified:
age. If you don't specify brightness, the default level is 100%. If you leave out the <sky> tag altogethe... all VRF Test. First, lets put in a portal. Change Level 1 of My VRF Test to look like this: <sxh xml;> <... radius="number of objects" location="(column,row,level)" /> </sxh> Improving performance Having lots o... nd will fade gradually to whatever the atmosphere level is 4 objects away. That is, unless flood is set t