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4 Hits, Last modified:
a format support for 3D models.) }} <well> Cloud Hosting </well> GitHub is not only a great place to store... our code with others but they also offer free web hosting for your projects. VRGrid supports and encourages Github hosting so you and your team can collaborate in your proj... ies hosted on Github . Github offers static HTTPS hosting for all members in this way its easy to get your
3 Hits, Last modified:
Editor]] * [[:soft:vrgrid:cloudhosting|Cloud Hosting]] * [[:soft:vrgrid:vrmodes|VRModes]] * [[... based VRF files * Native VR support * Github hosting support for team management * [[:soft:platform:... small download fee is applied to help us support hosting costs and help with development. </alert> ;#; {{
2 Hits, Last modified:
b account since this tutorial will use Github for hosting <alert type="success" icon="glyphicon glyphicon-i... "(9,9,1)" /> </sxh> The <assets> tag. When cloud hosting the VRF file the assets tag sets the include dire
1 Hits, Last modified:
-or- URL" /> </sxh> The <assets> tag. When cloud hosting the VRF file the assets tag sets the include dire
1 Hits, Last modified:
(*.vlib) , then upload the library to your Github hosting space and note a lib tag in your VRF file with th