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enu Text: Online Service * Command: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe * Argument: <nowik... s for the Include and Lib paths. This is what the files should contain: bcc32.cfg <sxh plain;> -I"c:\borl... dependencies <well> How to import lib definition files for TCC </well> To link with DLLs, TCC uses import definition files (.def) instead of libraries. The included 'tiny_
7 Hits, Last modified:
ditor supports command line parameters specifying files to be opened, it allows multiple files to be specified in the command line. Each of the files specified will be opened when the editord starts ... </well> PTSource.exe test.c test.h will open two files ("test.c", "test.h"). For long filenames, they s
4 Hits, Last modified:
e designed for very particular types of data: PNG files, for example, store bitmapped images using lossle... Script MX - jBASE/PICK - HTML Tidy config files - RapidQ Basic - Cisco config files - Renderman shaders - REBOL - Small - MicroS... - Visual Basic 6.0 - Windows INI & BATCH files - CLIPPER - ColdFusion - C# - DMI
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ar expressions * Search and replace in multiple files * Supports calling external tools * ... and m