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ptminivmdos @soft:ptminivmdos
4 Hits, Last modified:
b and network access seamlessly into its familiar command-line interface, empowering users with unparallele... b and network access seamlessly into its familiar command-line interface, empowering users with unparallele... face for personal computers. Characterized by its command-line interface, users interacted with DOS through... b and network access seamlessly into its familiar command-line interface, empowering users with unparallele
ptsget @soft:ptsget
3 Hits, Last modified:
ords=() metatag-description=(PTSource PTSGet is a command-line package management tool used in PTSource dis... png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource PTSGet is a command-line package management tool used in PTSource dis... ll> PTSource PTSGet </well> PTSource PTSGet is a command-line package management tool used in PTSource dis
2 Hits, Last modified:
on> [[:soft:ptsget:start|PTSource PTSGet]] //is a command-line package management tool used in PTSource dis... b and network access seamlessly into its familiar command-line interface.// </caption> ;#; <button type="su
tcl @soft:ptshell
2 Hits, Last modified:
on Click Event" button .btn -text "Click me!" -command buttonClick pack .btn -padx 20 -pady 20 </sxh>... entry .entry button .btn -text "Show Input" -command showInput # Pack the widgets pack .entry -
1 Hits, Last modified:
b and network access seamlessly into its familiar command-line interface, empowering users with unparallele