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93 Hits, Last modified:
ble reference to more mature users. <well> Linux Command Cheat Sheet for Exploring the Vim Modes </well> ... to Vim modes. Vim features two distinct modes, a command mode and an insert mode. When you open Vim for the first time, you’re in the command mode. The command mode lets you navigate the screen, delete and copy text, among many others. The insert m
67 Hits, Last modified:
.) }} <well> Unix Shell </well> A Unix shell is a command-line interpreter or shell that provides a command line user interface for Unix-like operating systems. The shell is both an interactive command language and a scripting language, and is used by... ide filename wildcarding, piping, here documents, command substitution, variables and control structures fo
65 Hits, Last modified:
</well> The cURL utility is a simple yet powerful command-line tool for transferring files to/from remote l... advanced functionalities. Additionally, most curl command in Linux works exceptionally well for headless ag... he default communication protocol HTTP. The below command will retrieve the source code for the given site.... /1912/Orava_Duskova_WinterHexagon.jpg </sxh> This command downloads the astronomy picture of the day from N
50 Hits, Last modified:
ng their IP address or hostname easily. The below command scans the 1000 common ports and lists all open po... an a range of IP addresses at once. The following command shows this in action. <sxh bash;> $ nmap </sxh> This command will scan the first fifteen hosts of the subnetwo... .* </sxh> To scan an entire subnet, use the below command. <sxh bash;> $ nmap </sxh> <well>
28 Hits, Last modified:
tant options that we can use with the ''%%tar%%'' command. |< 100%>| ^Options ^Explan... ildcards |Use Wildcards with tar Command | |-v, --verbose ... on |Display the version of tar Command. | You must follow the syntax given below to use the ''%%tar%%'' command. <sxh bash;> tar [OPTION...] [FILE]... </sxh> <
16 Hits, Last modified:
ectories, regular files, and symbolic links. This command will not execute on other file systems, and exclu... havior by adding other parameters in the tmpwatch command. WARNING: Please do not run tmpwatch or tmpreaper... epository. For RHEL/CentOS 6 systems, use the yum command to install Tmpwatch. <sxh bash;> $ sudo yum insta... </sxh> For Debian and Ubuntu systems, use the apt command or apt-get command to install Tmpreaper. <sxh bas
12 Hits, Last modified:
ers run a GNU/Linux environment -- including most command-line tools, utilities, and applications -- direct... ement where traditional Windows users can use the command-line interface of the Linux shell. That conjugate... or Linux alongside your Windows system to use the command-line based Linux tools, software, and other tasks... irst method allows you to enable the WSL from the command prompt. And, the second method is mostly based on
8 Hits, Last modified:
e sequences </well> * You can enter them at the command line using the PROMPT. * You can create them in a file and then issue them with the TYPE command. * You can include escape sequences in your pro... quence has the same basic syntax . ESC[parameters-command (spaces added for readability). ESC is the 1 byte code for escape. The escape code is $e at the command line using PROMPT. <well> Ansi Cursor Control Fu
6 Hits, Last modified:
PHP code can also be interpreted and executed via command-line interface (CLI). <well> Composer Repositori... ver-checker|PHP Semantic Versioning Checker]] - A command line utility that compares two source sets and de... ol]] - A tool to clear APC/opcode caches from the command line. * [[|Cake... ttps://|Chief]] - A command bus library. * [[
5 Hits, Last modified:
program options via conventional methods such as command line and config file. [Boost] * [[https://githu... 783/cxxopts|jarro2783/cxxopts]] - Lightweight C++ command line option parser. [MIT] * [[ d feature-rich library for defining and accessing command line arguments in ANSI C++. [MIT] * [[https://g... fse/lzfse|LZFSE]] - LZFSE compression library and command line tool. Developed by Apple. * [[https://code
5 Hits, Last modified:
or.ui auto </sxh> Enables helpful colorization of command line output <well> Branches </well> Branches are... wards. <sxh bash;> $ git init </sxh> The git init command turns an existing directory into a new Git repository inside the folder you are running this command. After using the git init command, link the local repository to an empty GitHub repository using the follo
3 Hits, Last modified:
can alleviate this necessity by automating these command sequences in order to make ones life at the shell... sts of a series of commands to be executed by the command-line interpreter, stored in a plain text file. A batch file may contain any command the interpreter accepts interactively and use con
2 Hits, Last modified:
* * * * [[|Learn Git - Learn Version Contr... com|Git Ready]] * [[|Quick Command Practice]] * [[
2 Hits, Last modified:
019)]] * [[https:///|Level up Command-line Playgrounds with WebAssembly (2019)]] * [[https:///co
2 Hits, Last modified:
tter in menus and dialog box options [Perform the command for that letter] ALT + ENTER [Display properties ... tter in menus and dialog box options [Perform the command (or select the option) that goes with that letter