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t Mode (SM) * 0 40x25 black& white * 1 40x25 color * 2 80x25 black & white * 3 80x25 color * 4 320x200 color * 5 320x200 black & white * 6 640x200 black & white * 7 wrap at end of line ... n reverse video. * PROMPT $p$g$e[33;44m - on a color video, this will set the prompt to display the di
3 Hits, Last modified:
ses * [[|Gogh - Color Scheme]] - Color Scheme for Gnome Terminal * [[|liquidprompt]] -... ]] - ANSI escape codes in pure bash - change text color, position the cursor, much more * [[https://git
2 Hits, Last modified:
ption for plugins] * [[|color_coded]] - A vim plugin for libclang-based highlighting. [MIT] * [[
2 Hits, Last modified:
ery </well> * [[|Color Extractor]] - A library for extracting colours from images. * [[
1 Hits, Last modified:
ka/jquery-minicolors|jquery-minicolors]] - A tiny color picker plugin. * [[
1 Hits, Last modified:
it transactions <sxh bash;> $ git config --global color.ui auto </sxh> Enables helpful colorization of co