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21 Hits, Last modified:
coordinate must be bounded by parentheses . R,G,B color values also must be bounded by parentheses . To ... texture for the sky or enclosure. Alternately, a color can be specified to appear in the sky or enclosur... xh xml;> <sky texture="folder/image.vri -or- URL" color="(red,green,blue)" brightness="brightness%" /> </... xh> The <fog> tag. Applies fog to entire VRF. Fog color, density, distance in units where the fog starts,
42 Hits, Last modified:
will be seen there. If you prefer, you can set a color for the sky rather than a texture. The color is expressed by red, green, and blue values between 0 to 255. For example, pure red would be expressed as color="(255,0,0)", pure blue is color="(0,0,255)", and pure green would be color="(0,255,0)". All other colors
24 Hits, Last modified:
e appearance of the fog in a vrf. <sxh php;> fog.color:red </sxh> //real// read/write The red component of the fog color (0-255). <sxh php;> fog.color:green </sxh> //real// read/write The green component of the fog color (0-255).  <sxh php;> fog.color:blue </sxh> //r