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18 Hits, Last modified:
,row,layer)" href="file_name#enter_name" trigger="click on,step on" text="text" target="destination name"... defines how the exit may be activated, either by clicking on it, stepping on it, or both. To make an exit both "click on" and "step on" activated, just include both options in the trigger attribute: trigger="click on, step on". By default, exits placed in the des
5 Hits, Last modified:
defines how the link can be activated, either by clicking on it, stepping on it, or both. The text attri... ref="folder/desitination.vrf#enter-name" trigger="click on|step on" text="text"/> </sxh> The <action> ta... on="(column,row,layer)" trigger="roll on|roll off|click on|step in| step out|proximity|timer|location|key... x1,y1,x2,y2|x,y,radius" trigger="roll on|roll off|click on| step in|step out|timer"> </action> </imagemap
3 Hits, Last modified:
n="(column,row,layer)" trigger="roll on| roll off|click on|step in|step out|proximity|timer|location" rad... action shape="rect" coords="0,0,100,100" trigger="click on"> .. action to execute goes here ... </action>... REPLACE | | ROLL_ON | | ROLL_OFF | | ROLLOVER | | CLICK_ON | | STEP_ON | | STEP_IN | | STEP_OUT | | PROXI
1 Hits, Last modified:
* When Windows says the installer is not trusted, click "more info" and then "run anyway". * Follow the
1 Hits, Last modified:
cript trigger="(delay|proximity|roll on|roll off| click on|step in|step out|proximity|timer|location| key