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industries, giving rise to a vibrant ecosystem of projects and initiatives. From containerization and cloud
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;#; <well> G4L </well> [[|G4L]] is a free Live CD system to clone hard
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rk environment and code generator for WebAssembly projects]] * [[https:///|wasm - P
3 Hits, Last modified:
|boilr]] - A blazingly fast CLI tool for creating projects from boilerplate templates. * [[https://github.... un and manage your Swift scripts. * [[|Paket]] - A dependency manager for .NET and mono projects. * [[
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integration platform for open source and private projects. * [[|Shippable]] - A... integration platform for open source and private projects. * [[|Travis CI]] - A con... .de/|phpDox]] - A documentation generator for PHP projects (that is not limited to API documentation). * [... ns </well> * [[|Doctrine Migrations]] - A migrati
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y's code style guides when contributing to jQuery projects. * [[ ry Foundation]] - Providing jQuery and many other projects home and support. * [[|j... , used by the jQuery, jQuery UI and jQuery mobile projects. * [[ Core, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, and other related projects. * [[|Quora]] - Ask
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ommunity including articles, discussions and open projects) * [[|HTML5 Gallery]] (
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Programming Languages. <well> Educational and Toy Projects </well> * [[
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able C++ code. [MIT] * [[|GLib]] - GLib provides the core application ... l STL library. [MIT] * [[|Windows Template Library]] - A C++ library f... applications. [MIT] * [[|delta3d]] - A robust simulation platform... th any model. [LGPL] * [[|libjson]] - Lightweight JSON library. [?