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8 Hits, Last modified:
If the <devel> tag is present, error messages are displayed, that will help the author find and correct err... e <title> tag is the name of the vrf, and will be displayed in at the bottom of VRGrid. <sxh xml;> <title n... ures, sounds, 3D models and behaviors) are use to display the VRF. It uses an optional required attribute i... ue)" /> </sxh> The <orb> tag. Sets an image to be displayed in the sky such as a sun or moon. Also defines
16 Hits, Last modified:
tor you can also you'll want to use software that displays all ASCII characters in monospacing and can do c... olds the title of the VRF. The title text will be displayed at the bottom of VRGrid. Put the following cod... what library of 3d objects and textures to use to display the VRF. The first time VRGrid encounters a new l... e <ground> tag out, there will be no ground plane displayed in your VRF, and you will have to supply a soli
1 Hits, Last modified:
d for viewing later (possibly as an animation) or displayed in real time. Unlike 3D film and similar techni