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22 Hits, Last modified:
You can specify either a texture or a color with which to fill the ground plane. If you leave the <groun... r <enter> tags immediately following the layer in which they occur, others prefer to keep all of their <e... e values of -90 to 90. The default value is "0,0" which will leave your visitors facing north, and parall... ls VRGrid that we are going to make a new object, which will be referred to in the map as the unit with t
5 Hits, Last modified:
ng// read/write The playback mode of the sound, which is one of the following: "looped", "random", "sin... read/write The X coordinate of the origin around which the vrobj rotates, in "pixels". <sxh php;> vrobj... read/write The Y coordinate of the origin around which the vrobj rotates, in "pixels". <sxh php;> vrobj... read/write The Z coordinate of the origin around which the vrobj rotates, in "pixels". <sxh php;> vrobj
5 Hits, Last modified:
The <globals> tag. These tags define information which appears before the design section. The globals co... me="name text" /> </sxh> The <lib> tag. Specifies which set of libraries (i.e., VRI'S, textures, sounds, ... a wall on the map you might type ## ## ## ## ## which is a wall that is five units wide. The <create> t... the design or immediately following the layer in which it occurs. <sxh xml;> <exit location="(column,row
4 Hits, Last modified:
e> </sxh> Here we have created a full 3d object, which has the image "sad.gif" on all its parts, and ass... object will be replaced with the "22" 3d object, which is also a full 3d object but which has the image "happy.gif" on all its parts. Note that there is no oth... But we can also add an <action> tag to vrobj "22" which will switch back to vrobj "11": <sxh xml;> <crea