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- freecompilers @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) me... anslates computer code written in one programming language (the source language) into another language (the target language). The name "compiler" is primarily used fo
- clinks @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) me... rials for C/C++ programmers.) }} <well> C and C++ Language </well> C and C++ are general-purpose, procedural computer programming languages supporting structured programming, lexical varia
- formats @soft:platform
- - TeraTerm Macro - IDL (Interactive Data Language by RSI) - Dynamic C - dsPIC Assembly -... 000 Assembly - Allegro/APD SKILL - Octave Language - TEA Language - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) - Windows Resource Script - MIDL (Microsoft Interface Definition Language) - MS T/SQL - Objective-C - DirectX F
- webasmlinks @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) me... le programs, and a corresponding textual assembly language, as well as interfaces for facilitating interacti... longside HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, is the fourth language to run natively in browsers. In order to use Wasm
- shelllinks @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) me... systems. The shell is both an interactive command language and a scripting language, and is used by the operating system to control the execution of the system using
- phplinks @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met... als for PHP programmers.) }} <well> PHP Scripting Language </well> PHP is a general-purpose scripting language especially suited to web development. PHP code is usual
- tutorial @soft:mvmdos
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, css, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, html, ... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met... ventions observed when using one of the supported languages. <sxh plain;> COUNTRY=xxx[,[yyy][,[drive:][path... g country information. Specifying supported languages The following table lists each country or langu
- files_dos
- general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. Though Perl is not officially an acronym, there ... se, including "Practical Extraction and Reporting Language". ;#; {{ Editor is a editor especially suited to Assembly Language, or any Command-Line compiler. If you're using MA... s, binary files, text files, and various computer language source code files (with configurable syntax highl
- phphum @soft:phphum
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, css, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, html, ... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met... ~ <well> Scripting </well> A scripting or script language is a programming language for a special run-time environment that automates the execution of tasks, the tas
- platform @soft:platform
- as coding) of algorithms in a target programming language. <well> PTSource Developer Platform </well> PTSou... r programming and syntax highlighing for over 100 languages. It already brings HarbourMG, MingGW-w64, TCC, F... ompilers Included </well> |< 100%>| ^ Compiler ^ Language ^ Machine ^ | Batari | Basic | Atari 2600 | | Pas... ompilers Included </well> |< 100%>| ^ Compiler ^ Language ^ | Freewrap | Tcl/Tk | | PyInstaller, Py2exe | P
- html5links @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met... ) }} <well> HTML5 Markup </well> Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted
- files_windows
- r programming and syntax highlighing for over 100 languages. It already brings Harbour, MingGW-w64, TCC, FAS... tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its... performance, compares favorably to most scripting languages. * Produces standalone applications that can b... are supported. The files included are the English language version. When reinstalling Windows, it's recommen
- githublinks @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) me... CLI]] * [[|Github Most active languages]] * [[|G... rending repositories in your favorite programming language via GitHub notifications. * [[https://coderstat
- webvrlinks @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met... D world editor and a powerful, visual programming language. * [[|Beloola]] * Belool... m/|GLAM]] * GLAM (GL And Markup) is a declarative language for 3D web content. * [[
- keyboardshortcuts @tips
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, htm... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) me... monitor to another] Win + SPACEBAR [Switch input language and keyboard layout] Win + CTRL + SPACEBAR [Chang