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- tarcommands
- </well> To create a simple tar archive type the following command. Here in this example, we are archiving ... ontents from an archive. </well> You can use the following command to extract an existing tar archive file. ... s/directories) inside an archive, you can use the following command. <sxh bash;> ~$ tar -tvf data.tar drwx... archive file is **.tar.gz** or **tgz**. Type the following command to create a compressed ''%%tar%%'' archiv
- nmapcommands
- how to do simple network scans using Nmap in the following section. <well> Scan a Single Host </well> A hos... an also scan a range of IP addresses at once. The following command shows this in action. <sxh bash;> $ nmap... ting of localhost and the given IP range. Use the following command to read this using Nmap. <sxh bash;> $ n... already rolls out support for IPv6 scanning. The following command shows you how to do this. <sxh bash;> $
- curlcommands
- , followed by the name of your file or files. The following examples demonstrate how to upload a single file,... aking them available to the rest of the word. The following cURL command in Linux will illustrate how to reso... your incoming email messages. Take a look at the following example to understand this in detail. <sxh bash;... nd out the geo-location of a remote resource. The following command will print out all information related to
- htaccesshowto
- > # Compress all output labeled with one of the following MIME-types <IfModule mod_filter.c> AddOutpu... ------------------------------------------- # The following header prevents modification of your code over 3G... ------------------------------------------- # The following directives stop screen flicker in IE on CSS rollo... urning on the rewrite engine is necessary for the following rules and # features. FollowSymLinks must be enab
- subsystemforlinux
- {{shots:runasadmin.png?nolink}} ;#; Now, run the following command-lines given below on your command prompt ... enable the WSL without restarting the system. The following command will active the Deployment Image Servicin... d to install the WSL tool on your system. Run the following command to get the WSL tool on your Windows Subsy... o apt install wsl </sxh> You can also perform the following command-lines given below to check the release in
- sidebysideassemblies
- it requires to operate properly. For example, the following describes a debug build making use of the C run-t... use the latest version, it is easier to place the following at the very top of your stdafx.h file (before any
- vimcommands
- re. * **)** You can go-to at the start of the following sentence with this command. * **(** Go-to a
- mysqltosqlite
- nd implements most of the SQL standard, generally following PostgreSQL syntax. SQLite is a popular choice as
- githubgitcheatsheet
- epository to an empty GitHub repository using the following command: <sxh bash;> $ git remote add origin [url