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5 Hits, Last modified:
mation. Specifying supported languages The following table lists each country or language supported by... me, date, and case to French conventions, add the following command to your CONFIG.SYS file: <sxh plain;> COU... er set with the country code for France, type the following: <sxh plain;> COUNTRY=033,850 </sxh> If you omit ... hat would have preceded the character set, as the following example shows: <sxh plain;> COUNTRY=033,,C:\BIN\L
2 Hits, Last modified:
y contains both COMMAND.COM and CONFIG.SYS then following will occur. <sxh plain;> C:\ dir c<HOT_KEY> C:\... isk with two levels of subdirectoryies then the following is possible. <sxh plain;> C:\ dir A:\ba<HOT_KEY>