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- nmapcommands
- tion, theres another way to do this. The -O flag enables OS detection for a host or range of hosts. <sx... ash;> $ nmap -sV </sxh> Adding -sV enables Nmap version detection. It provides much similar ... 0,110,443 </sxh> The above command enables Nmap to discover if a host is up and scans its po
- curlcommands
- d DELETE Requests</well> The HTTP DELETE verb enables us to remove a value from a remote field. Its oft... Cookies via cURL</well> The curl command also enables us to send data as cookies to remote HTTP servers... mmunication Data</well> The **trace** option enables us to view how incoming and outgoing data are bei
- unixstory
- rnet of Things, Linux serves as the linchpin that enables the next wave of technological advancement. <wel
- bkplinux
- nux and UnixLike. * Support for checksums which enables you to check for data corruption. * Ability to
- clinks
- l/index.html|Boost.Python]] - A C++ library which enables seamless interoperability between C++ and the Pyt
- githubgitcheatsheet
- bash;> $ git config --global color.ui auto </sxh> Enables helpful colorization of command line output <well
- phplinks
- estissimo|Prestissimo]] - A composer plugin which enables parallel install process. * [[