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4 Hits, Last modified:
h> Cache only the first or second hard drive. By default, VMCache caches both drives (or drive 1 if only o... -e# </sxh> Allocate #K of EMS to the cache. The default is 512K. The actual amount of EMS used may differ... read and cached beyond the number requested. The default is approximately 1/4 of a full track. <sxh plain;... tes to a single track. Delayed writes are off by default. <sxh plain;> vmcache -f </sxh> Flush the cache
1 Hits, Last modified:
r sets listed for each country or language is its default character set. <sxh plain;> Country or language
1 Hits, Last modified:
entium MMX Processor at 580 MHz * 64Mb SDRAM (default) 128Mb SDRAM (using the %%--%%extramem switch)