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- phplinks
- om/|Symfony Security Monitoring]] - A web tool to check your Composer dependencies for security advisories, previously known as "SensioLabs Security Check". * [[|TCrypto... in PHP. * [[|PHP Semantic Versioning Checker]] - A command line utility that compares two source sets and determine
- nmapcommands
- for Specific Ports </well> Nmap allows admins to check hosts for only some specific ports. The below com... information. Malicious users usually use this to check whether a host is running any vulnerable service ... elpful at deducing the content of remote servers. Check out the below command to see this into action. <... or starting malicious attackers. The next command checks whether a host contains this vulnerability using
- curlcommands
- a handy way that saves us the trouble of manually checking the downloaded amount. <well>Download Files u... n about content, and cookies among others. <well>Check Whether a Site Supports HTTP/2</well> The HTT... ites have started to adopt it, and you can easily check whether a site supports HTTP/2 or not using the b... Were simply piping the output of curl to grep for checking the availability of HTTP/2. You can check our
- shelllinks
-|has]] - ''%%has%%'' helps you check presence of various command line tools and their ... * [[|isitup]] - Check whether a website is up or down * [[https://git...|vl]] - URL link checker on text documents * [[ com/chubin/|]] - ⛅ The right way to check the weather (curl <well> Games </well>
- tarcommands
- le2.txt**, **data/file3.txt** in the command. To check the path of files/directories use the following c... ar -xvf myfiles.tar --wildcards fi* </sxh> <well> Check the version of tar command </well> You can check the tar command version using the following command.
- bkplinux
- ws and Ext of Linux and UnixLike. * Support for checksums which enables you to check for data corruption. * Ability to restore corrupted archives by just sk
- keyboardshortcuts
- s with that letter] SPACEBAR [Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box] BACKSPACE [Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected i
- githubgitcheatsheet
- make will be made on the branch youre currently checked out to. Use git status to see which branch tha... me] </sxh> Creates a new branch <sxh bash;> $ git checkout [branch-name] </sxh> Switches to the specified
- aframelinks
- donmccurdy/aframe-extras/blob/master/src/controls/checkpoint-controls.js|Checkpoint Controls]] * Eased linear locomotion between designated hotspots * [[https
- subsystemforlinux
- erform the following command-lines given below to check the release information and the details of the WS
- clinks
- nal/cpp-dependencies|cpp-dependencies]] - Tool to check C++ #include dependencies (dependency graphs crea
- jquerylinks
- A lightweight and beautiful plugin for radio and checkbox inputs. * [[