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- clinks
- ANNetGPGPU/ANNetGPGPU|ANNetGPGPU]] - A GPU (CUDA) based Artificial Neural Network library. [LGPL] * [[h...|Evolving Objects]] - A template-based, ANSI-C++ evolutionary computation library which ... /termbox|termbox]] - A C library for writing text-based user interfaces. [BSD] <well> Compression </well>...|Libclsph]] - An OpenCL based GPU accelerated SPH fluid simulation library. [MI
- shelllinks
-|autoenv]] - Directory-based environments * [[ tps://|borg]] - A terminal based search engine for bash commands * [[https://git... ark manager * [[|byobu]] - Text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer * [[htt... tps://|Lmod]] - Lua-based Environment Modules that enhances Tcl-based modul
- webasmlinks
-|Emscripten - LLVM-based project that compiles C and C++]] * [[https:///... tps:///|cld3-asm - Wasm based JS binding for Google compact language detector 3...|hunspell-asm - Wasm based JS binding for Hunspell spellchecker]] * [[http... enGLWebAssemblyCMake - C++/OpenGL/OpenAL/GLFW/GLM based app built with CMake to native or WebAssembly]]
- phplinks
- t/disco|Disco]] - A PSR-11 compatible, annotation-based dependency injection container. * [[http://php-...|Shippable]] - A Docker based continious integration platform for open source a... com/jenssegers/optimus|Optimus]] - Id obfuscation based on Knuth's multiplicative hashing method. * [[h... realistic PHP password strength estimate library based on Zxcvbn JS. <well> Code Analysis </well> * [[
- linuxwin
- ong Windows-Like Distros </well> Q4OS is a Debian-based Linux distro with a focus on stability, reliabili... e important tasks. Again, this is also an Ubuntu-based distro, but it only keeps the best of Ubuntu and ... led, ensuring utmost user privacy. However, being based on the LTS releases of Ubuntu, its rock-solid, s... with 1GB of RAM. Its also extremely stable, being based on the Ubuntu LTS releases, and uses Xfce as its
- webvrlinks
- owser. It was implemented in Firefox and Chromium-based browsers before being deprecated and removed. The... te|WebVR Boilerplate]] * A starting point for web-based VR experiences that work in both Cardboard and Oc... ksley/eleVR-Web-Player|eleVR Web Player]] * WebGL-based 360° video player by [[ om/littlstar/axis|Littlstar Axis Player]] * WebGL-based (three.js) 360° video player by [[http://littlst
- freecompilers
- - BaCon BASIC is a BASIC to C translator for Unix-based systems (like Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, etc), whi... firm/|libFirm]] - C-library that provides a graph-based intermediate representation, optimizations, and a... [[|LLILCL]] - LLVM-based Compiler Backend for .NET Core. * [[http://llvm... " Framewrok for Programming Languages development based on the MuVM Specification. * [[https://github.c
- tmpwatch
- the root user.By default, tmpwatch deletes files based on their atime (access time), not their mtime (co... watch </sxh> Make a note: If you are using Debian-based systems, use tmpreaper instead of tmpwatch. All e... or the last 10 hours. If you want to delete files based on their modification time (mtime), you need to a... ust regular files, symbolic links and directories based on the file modification time. <sxh bash;> $ tmpw
- subsystemforlinux
- gside your Windows system to use the command-line based Linux tools, software, and other tasks that were ... performance. On the other hand, the Linux kernel-based WSL2 supports Microsoft Hyper-V feature. The WSL1... command prompt. And, the second method is mostly based on the graphical user interface settings. Here, we will cover both CMD and GUI-based methods of enabling the WSL on a Windows system.
- jquerylinks
- G HTML Editor]] - jQuery WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor based on HTML5. * [[|H... m/selectize/selectize.js/|selectize.js]] - jQuery based hybrid of a textbox and <select> box. <well> Imag... om/neveldo/jQuery-Mapael|jQuery Mapael]] - Plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic ... .com/wikimedia/jquery.i18n|jquery.i18n]] - jQuery based Javascript internationalization library for easy
- curlcommands
- ile using its default name. <well>Download Files Based on Modification Date</well> You can tell cURL... Many modern-day servers implement authentication based on certificates. cURL allows you to specify the c... d.php </sxh> Youll need to adjust the URL portion based on your website. cURL will upload the file called
- htaccesshowto
- nt-Security-Policy "allow 'self';" # Prevent mime based attacks Header set X-Content-Type-Options "nosnif... They assume you control versioning with filename-based cache busting # Additionally, consider that outda... ----------------------------- # Built-in filename-based cache busting # ---------------------------------
- bkplinux
-|Clonezilla]] is a Live CD based on Ubuntu & Debian to clone all your hard drive d
- vimcommands
- oure gonna feel the need for a versatile terminal-based Linux text editor at one point or another. For to
- sidebysideassemblies
- manifest and attempt to locate the correct files based on the information inside (described shortly), in