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23 Hits, Last modified:
features. <well> Before you begin the tutorial, there are two things you will need to do: </well> *... d for your VRF. This texture will appear anywhere there aren't any units visible. If you don't put a ceil... ls or floors, then the <sky> texture will be seen there. If you prefer, you can set a color for the sky r... ground plane. If you leave the <ground> tag out, there will be no ground plane displayed in your VRF, an
3 Hits, Last modified:
the image "happy.gif" on all its parts. Note that there is no other action on the "22" 3d object, so once this action has been triggered once, there is no more functionality. When the player rolls o... ce source="11" /> </action> </create> </sxh> Now there is another <replace> tag on 3d object "22", with
3 Hits, Last modified:
, include an "empty" ground tag. If not supplied, there will be no ground. Movement through the lowest, g... ngle of characters with all rows equal in length. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the symbol... ge. More than one may be defined in a single VRF. There must be at least one enter named "default" in eve
2 Hits, Last modified:
kable vrobj at the given map location, or null if there is none. A fixed vrobj takes precedence. <sxh ph... location, replacing whatever vrobj may have been there. <sxh php;> map.move_vrobj(column1, row1, layer1,