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- clinks
- ercomputers to PLCs and embedded systems. <well> Standard Libraries </well> * [[|Standard Template Library]] - The Standard Template Library (STL). * [[
- nmapcommands
- eam, IPv6 addresses are there and will become the standard representation of remote hosts in the near future... ntly less time to complete when compared with the standard syntax. You can change the value of -T from 0 to ... youll find remote systems firewalls blocking the standard ICMP pings sent by your usual Nmap port scans. Yo... is up and scans its ports without completing the standard TCP communication. <well> Scan Hosts Using TCP A
- phplinks
-|HTML Purifier]] - A standards compliant HTML filter. * [[ ] - A library that detects PHP, CSS and JS coding standard violations. * [[|PHP CS Fixer]] - A coding standards fixer library. * [[ * [[|PHP Package Development Standards]] - Package development standards for PHP. * [
- tarcommands
- is possible. Let’s take some examples. **Extract standard tar archive to a specified directory:** Following command will extract the **data.tar**(Standard Tar archive) file to **mydata/files/** directory.... mands to extract a specific file/directory from a Standard or Compressed tar archive. Let’s take an example of each. **Extract file or directory from a Standard tar archive** Following command will extract two
- officesuiteslinux
- ites often prioritize compatibility with industry-standard file formats, facilitating seamless collaboration... entations), and more. With its commitment to open standards and compatibility with Microsoft Office formats,
- shelllinks
- el]] - Build and execute shell command lines from standard input in parallel * [[ * [[|pass]] - The standard unix password manager. * [[
- html5links
- 5 Markup </well> Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for documents designed to be disp... appearance of the document. <well> Articles and standards </well> * [[|THML 5.
- unixstory
- h of its DNA from its UNIX progenitors. The POSIX standard, which delineates the interface between operating
- ansiescape
- gned. Examples * PROMPT $e[7m$n$p$e[m creates a standard prompt $n$g except in reverse video. * PROMPT
- vimcommands
- p you move across the screen much faster than the standard arrow keys. Prefix them with a number to get the
- curlcommands
- ificant revamp of HTTP and will replace it as the standard web protocol in the future. Many sites have start
- webasmlinks
- (often shortened to Wasm, or just WA) is an open standard that defines a portable binary-code format for ex
- mysqltosqlite
- is ACID-compliant and implements most of the SQL standard, generally following PostgreSQL syntax. SQLite is
- htaccesshowto
- --------------------- # JavaScript # Normalize to standard type (it is sniffed in IE anyways) # futher detai
- freecompilers
- piler, it implements many features of the ISO C99 standard. * [[|AsmJIT]]