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- tutorial
- atags> metatag-keywords=() metatag-description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... mage=(:wiki:vrgrid.png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... cters in monospacing and can do column editing. PTSource Developer Platform as support and syntax highligh... rid Github repository here [[|VRGrid Github]] as well as libs, samples
- vrgrid
- atags> metatag-keywords=() metatag-description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... mage=(:wiki:vrgrid.png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... ility to view three-dimensional images. <well> PTSource VRGrid </well> PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application for Windows x86 and x64 designed
- actions
- atags> metatag-keywords=() metatag-description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... mage=(:wiki:vrgrid.png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... /sad.gif" /> <action trigger="roll on" > <replace source="22" /> </action> </create> <create unit="22" vro... py.gif" /> <action trigger="roll off" /> <replace source="11" /> </action> </create> </sxh> Now there is
- vrf_files
- atags> metatag-keywords=() metatag-description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... mage=(:wiki:vrgrid.png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... in the sky such as a sun or moon. Also defines a source position for a directional light that shines from... he sound will taper off as you move away from the source. Sounds can also be assigned to specific 3D objec
- scripting
- atags> metatag-keywords=() metatag-description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... mage=(:wiki:vrgrid.png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... controls the appearance of the orb and its light source in a vrf. <sxh php;> orb.brightness </sxh> //re
- sounds
- atags> metatag-keywords=() metatag-description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... mage=(:wiki:vrgrid.png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... se to create your own custom libraries with the PTSource VRLib Editor. {{filelisting>sounds}} ~~social
- 3d_objects
- atags> metatag-keywords=() metatag-description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... mage=(:wiki:vrgrid.png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... se to create your own custom libraries with the PTSource VRLib Editor. {{filelisting>objects}} ~~soci
- textures
- atags> metatag-keywords=() metatag-description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... mage=(:wiki:vrgrid.png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... se to create your own custom libraries with the PTSource VRLib Editor. ---- photogallery show ---- namesp
- cloud_hosting
- atags> metatag-keywords=() metatag-description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... mage=(:wiki:vrgrid.png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... s an example : <sxh html;> <a href="vrf:">Open VRF i
- vr_modes
- atags> metatag-keywords=() metatag-description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... mage=(:wiki:vrgrid.png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f
- vrf_libeditor
- atags> metatag-keywords=() metatag-description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... mage=(:wiki:vrgrid.png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f
- videos
- atags> metatag-keywords=() metatag-description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f... mage=(:wiki:vrgrid.png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource VRGrid is a standards-based desktop application f