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- clinks @tips
-|Cxxomfort]] - A small, header-only library that backports to C++03 some... * [[|uSTL]] - The small STL library. [MIT] * [[ b] * [[|smaz]] - Small strings compression library. [BSD] * [[https://... om/google/benchmark|benchmark]] - Google provided small microbenchmark support library. [Apache2] * [[h
- files_dos
- nce even on the most modest hardware. Despite its small footprint, it provides essential functions like c... rce Easy Editor </well> PTSource Easy Editor is a small EMACS style text editor. It has all of basic edit... delete/paste, word wrap/paragraph fill etc. It is small enough to maintain when you have a new OS, or jus... ises have to be made to make PTSource Easy Editor small and useful. ;#; {{https://raw.githubusercontent.
- jquerylinks @tips
- ts/jquery.sparkline|jquery.sparkline]] - Generate small sparkline charts. * [[ tacktable.js/|Stackable.js]] - Stacking tables on small screens. * [[|Stupid Table Sort]] - A stupidly small and simple jQuery table sorter plugin. * [[http
- phphum @soft:phphum
- e of existing PHP functions and extensions. * A small set of functions encapsulates many complex aspect... easily installed and removed with no reboot. * Small footprint. * No database server required if usi... e :** Although this software is completely free a small download fee is applied to help us support hostin
- files_windows
- e of existing PHP functions and extensions. * A small set of functions encapsulates many complex aspect... easily installed and removed with no reboot. * Small footprint. * No database server required if usi... * Although all this software is completely free a small download fee is applied to help us support hostin
- webasmlinks @tips
- or embedded devices and WebAssembly. Creates very small .wasm files.]] * [[https:/// * [[https:///|Oryol - a small, portable 3D coding framework written in C++]] <w... ader - C/C++ to WASM Webpack loader optimized for small bundle sizes]] <well> Browserify </well> * [[ht
- webnet @soft:webnet
- te social network kit suitable for groups, teams, small to huge businesses. The main aim of it is to boos... te social network kit suitable for groups, teams, small to huge businesses. The main aim of it is to boos... te social network kit suitable for groups, teams, small to huge businesses. The main aim of it is to boos
- phplinks @tips
- ps://|Backdrop]] - A CMS targeting small-to-medium sized business and non-profits (a fork ... com/nojacko/email-validator|Email Validator]] - A small email address validation library. * [[https://g
- shelllinks @tips
- [|youtube-dl]] - Small command-line program to download videos from YouT... llix/awless|awless]] - A powerful, innovative and small surface CLI to manage AWS. * [[https://github.c
- utilities @soft:mvmdos
- EMS to the index. This is less effective with a small cache, as VMCache requires only 1 to 2K of index
- weblock @soft:weblock
- e :** Although this software is completely free a small download fee is applied to help us support hostin
- freecompilers @tips
- VM * [[|amacc]] - Small C Compiler generating ELF executable for Arm arch
- webfast @soft:webfast
- e :** Although this software is completely free a small download fee is applied to help us support hostin
- websafe @soft:websafe
- e :** Although this software is completely free a small download fee is applied to help us support hostin
- curlcommands @tips
- > 21. Save Website Cookies</well> Cookies are small pieces of data sent to your system by remote serv