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17 Hits, Last modified:|Cxxomfort]] - A small, header-only library that backports to C++03 some... * [[|uSTL]] - The small STL library. [MIT] * [[ b] * [[|smaz]] - Small strings compression library. [BSD] * [[https://... om/google/benchmark|benchmark]] - Google provided small microbenchmark support library. [Apache2] * [[h
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or embedded devices and WebAssembly. Creates very small .wasm files.]] * [[https:/// * [[https:///|Oryol - a small, portable 3D coding framework written in C++]] <w... ader - C/C++ to WASM Webpack loader optimized for small bundle sizes]] <well> Browserify </well> * [[ht
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u/dokku|dokku]] - Docker powered mini-Heroku. The smallest PaaS implementation you've ever seen. * [[ht... [|youtube-dl]] - Small command-line program to download videos from YouT... llix/awless|awless]] - A powerful, innovative and small surface CLI to manage AWS. * [[https://github.c
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ts/jquery.sparkline|jquery.sparkline]] - Generate small sparkline charts. * [[ tacktable.js/|Stackable.js]] - Stacking tables on small screens. * [[|Stupid Table Sort]] - A stupidly small and simple jQuery table sorter plugin. * [[http
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ps://|Backdrop]] - A CMS targeting small-to-medium sized business and non-profits (a fork ... com/nojacko/email-validator|Email Validator]] - A small email address validation library. * [[https://g
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s. It essentially breaks down the IP packets into small parts and makes them hard to detect via external
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> 21. Save Website Cookies</well> Cookies are small pieces of data sent to your system by remote serv
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VM * [[|amacc]] - Small C Compiler generating ELF executable for Arm arch
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a/xz. * Ability to split big files in size to a smaller one. ;#; {{shots:fsarchiver.png?nolink}} ;#;