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- clinks
- * [[|SELA]] - SimplE Lossless Audio. [MIT] * [[ [|Taywee/args]] - A simple header-only C++ argument parser library. [MIT] ... eader only single or multi-file C++11 library for simple and advanced CLI parsing. [BSD] * [[https://git... om/mattreecebentley/plf_nanotimer|Nanotimer]] - A simple low-overhead cross-platform timer class for bench
- shelllinks
- il * [[|shenv]] - Simple shell version management * [[|xi... ries * [[|fd]] - A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find. * ... as]] - get kool aliases (and more) working with a simple one-liner * [[|lazy-cd]] - Simple bash commands for bookmarked navigation of the fi
- phplinks
- * [[|Ice]] - Another simple and fast PHP framework delivered as C-extension. ... [[|Slim]] - Another simple micro framework. * [[ //|Slim PHP View]] - A simple PHP renderer for Slim. <well> Routers </well> *...|Requests]] - A simple HTTP library. * [[
- jquerylinks
- /|Animsition]] - A simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated page tran... . * [[|Hallo]] - Simple rich text editor (contentEditable) for jQuery UI.... iro/jquery-notebook|jQuery Notebook]] - A modern, simple and elegant WYSIWYG rich text editor. <well> Form... [|Chart.js]] - Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag. * [[https:
- curlcommands
- ds.) }} <well> CURL </well> The cURL utility is a simple yet powerful command-line tool for transferring f... s protected via credentials. Were demonstrating a simple mock example to illustrate this issue for our aud... on. This is a straightforward task and requires a simple option called cookie-jar. <sxh bash;> $ curl --... N jobs or scripts. The cURL utility uses the SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) for this job. Youre requi
- nmapcommands
- ms in external networks by simply performing some simple Nmap scans. It has excellent documentation, so yo... er the basic commands first. Well show how to do simple network scans using Nmap in the following section... r hosts for ports. Rather they use Nmap to send a simple ping to get a list of available hosts on a networ
- aframelinks
- ngeon with A-Frame]] * A case study on building a simple dungeon game using A-Frame * [[https://medium.c... t-static]] * This boilerplate leverages extremely simple deployment flow from Zeit's Now, now available fo...|VR Space Builder]] * Simple VR builder for kids using a form to import models
- githublinks
-|git - the simple guide]] * [[ [|Git: The Simple Guide]] * [[|Git Immersi
- webasmlinks
- /webassembly-examples|webassembly-examples - From Simple To Complex.]] * [[https:/// formance/|Optimizing WebAssembly Startup Time - 4 simple yet effective solutions to reduce load time. (201
- freecompilers
- om/syegulalp/Akilang|Akilang]] - A compiler for a simple language, built with Python and LLVM * [[https:... * [[|Gecho]] - Simple-stack language implementation in C. * [[https:/
- html5links
-|WebRTC made simple]] * [[|WebRTC data chann
- bkplinux
- fs, reiserfs, reiser4, hfs+, btrfs and it is very simple to use. ;#; {{shots:partclone.png?nolink}} ;#;
- linuxwin
- ng from Windows, featuring a similar layout and a simple, intuitive interface. Linux Mint with the Cinnamo
- batchhowto
- sample code. </well> Batch Scripts are stored in simple text files containing lines with commands that ge
- webvrlinks
- ual reality web. * [[|LOVR]] * A simple framework for creating VR experiences with Lua. <