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tutorial @soft:vrgrid
82 Hits, Last modified:
ns of red, green, and blue. You can also set the brightness of the sky in the <sky> tag. Brightness is expressed as a whole number percentage. If you don't specify brightness, the default level is 100%. If you leave out ... ile: <sxh xml;> <sky texture="images/clouds.gif" brightness="90%" /> </sxh> The <ground> tag. The <groun
vrf_files @soft:vrgrid
27 Hits, Last modified:
the sky or enclosure, instead of a texture. The brightness parameter sets the light on the sky or enclos... der/image.vri -or- URL" color="(red,green,blue)" brightness="brightness%" /> </sxh> The <fog> tag. Applies fog to entire VRF. Fog color, density, distance in un... el and color for the entire VRF. Default is 100% brightness, and white light. <sxh xml;> <atmosphere brig
tutorial @soft:polydraw
18 Hits, Last modified:
angles List", or holding the "Control" key as you right-click near vertices in any of the views. <well> ... "Control" key while you drag the new cube to the right side of the Front View. * The "Objects List" sh... the cubes, and drag the mouse to below the bottom right corner of the cube, and release the mouse button.... on the '<New Object>' in the Objects List on the right of the screen. (If you can't see the Objects List
scripting @soft:vrgrid
8 Hits, Last modified:
ls the look of the sky in a vrf. <sxh php;> sky.brightness </sxh> //real// read/write The brightness of the sky, as a percentage (0-100). <sxh php;> tmosphere light in a vrf. <sxh php;> atmosphere.brightness </sxh> //real// read/write The brightness of the ambient light, as a percentage (0-100). <sxh p
weblock @soft:weblock
5 Hits, Last modified:
use or redistribution of software. Authors of copyrighted software can donate their software to the publi... main, in which case it is also not covered by copyright and, as a result, cannot be licensed. A typical s... a use would otherwise potentially constitute copyright infringement of the software owner's exclusive rights under copyright. <well> PTSource Weblock </well>
utilities @soft:mvmdos
4 Hits, Last modified:
Move cursor 1 character to left <RIGHT> Move cursor 1 character to right <PGUP> Move cursor 1 "word" to left... <PGDN> Move cursor 1 "word" to right <HOME> Move cursor to star... <BS> " <CTRL><RIGHT> Delete 1 character at cursor <DE
shell @soft:platform
2 Hits, Last modified:
s wrong and it will return c: cd c:/ # This is right and it will return c:\ cd c:\\ # This is also right and it will return c:\ </sxh> <well> BashRC and alia
tips @soft:ptlynx
1 Hits, Last modified:
enter a website URL and press enter. * Use the 'Right Arrow' or 'Enter' key to open links. * Press th