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- clinks
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... and C++ are general-purpose, procedural computer programming languages supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope, and recursion, with a static type system.... ross-platform C++ library designed using contract programming and modern C++ techniques. [Boost] [[http://dlib.
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- shelllinks
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... TO.html#toc|The Linux Documentation Project: Bash Programming - Intro/How-to]] * [[ /dyne/Tomb|Tomb]] - The Crypto Undertaker. <well> Programming </well> * [[|dev... ramework. * [[|Go]] - The Go programming language. * [[|Glide]] - Packa
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- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... -description=(Free Full Courses. Full free online programming general video courses. Watch video courses, inclu... :description=(Free Full Courses. Full free online programming general video courses. Watch video courses, inclu... d of the internet and the World Wide Web. <well> Programming General </well> * {{youtube>ZihKWQXRBmE | How t
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- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... tml#faust-webassembly-backend|faust2 - Functional programming language for signal processing and sound synthesi... :///|Go - Go programming language WebAssembly support]] * [[https:///www... (2015)]] * [[https:///|The Future of
- phplinks
- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... response. Additionally, PHP can be used for many programming tasks outside of the web context, such as standal... ny/functional-php|Functional PHP]] - A functional programming library. * [[|Iter... > * [[|Functional Programming in PHP]] - This book will show you how to leverag
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- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... oy new video tutorials for beginners with related programming challenges. * [[|... ]]. * [[|Programming Community Curated Resources for Learning jQuery]]
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- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... Lodato * [[|Programming Community Curated Resources for Learning Git]] ... Follow new trending repositories in your favorite programming language via GitHub notifications. * [[https://
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- {{htmlmetatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, c ansi, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, ... WebVR was an experimental JavaScript application programming interface (API) that enabled applications to inte... features a 3D world editor and a powerful, visual programming language. * [[|Beloola]]
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