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- phplinks
- s://|Mockery]] - A mock object library for testing. * [[ //|Phake]] - Another mock object library for testing. * [[|PHP SSH]] - An experimental object orientated SSH wrapper library. * [[http://phps... onsolidation/Robo|Robo]] - A PHP Task runner with object-orientated configurations. * [[https://taskphp.
- freecompilers
- a lower level language (e.g., assembly language, object code, or machine code) to create an executable pr... available or not. <well> Assemblers, Linkers and Object Module Librarians </well> * [[http://sun.hasenb... l x86 assembly code. It generates a wide range of object file formats, including a.out, ELF, COFF, Mach-0,
- htaccesshowto
- vgz # # Webfonts # AddType application/ eot AddType application/x-font-ttf ttf t... application/ \ application/x... s 1 month" ExpiresByType application/ "access plus 1 month" # # CSS and JavaScript #
- clinks
- ://|hiberlite]] - C++ Object-relational mapping for sqlite3. [BSD] * [[https... tps://|curlcpp]] - An object oriented C++ wrapper for CURL(libcurl). [MIT] *
- aframelinks
- Tracked Transformations]] * How to look behind an object in VR if you can't walk around it * [[https://m... llow desktop users to rotate the camera around an object * [[
- curlcommands
- ied value. Here, weve sent data for a remote JSON object. <well>Send DELETE Requests</well> The HTTP
- html5links
- orials/es7/observe/|Data-binding Revolutions with Object.observe()]] <well> Web Components </well> * [[h