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mvmlinux @soft:mvmlinux
7 Hits, Last modified:
nder, dosbox) metatag-description=(PTSource MiniVMLinux is a evolution in the lineage of DOS operating sy... onnectivity.) metatag-media-og:image=(:wiki:minivmlinux.png) metatag-og:description=(PTSource MiniVMLinux is a evolution in the lineage of DOS operating systems... users with unparalleled connectivity.) }} <well> Linux </well> Linux is a versatile and open-source oper
ptminivm @soft:ptminivm
3 Hits, Last modified:
1 * Red Hat 5.2 * Red Hat 6.2 * Corel Linux 1.2 * Mandrake Linux 6.1 Gold * Debian 5.0 * SuSE 6.3 * Ubuntu 4.10 * Puppy Linux 3.01 Retro <well> Extra Disk Images </well> Altou