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- formats @soft:platform
- - TeraTerm Macro - IDL (Interactive Data Language by RSI) - Dynamic C - dsPIC Assembly -... 000 Assembly - Allegro/APD SKILL - Octave Language - TEA Language - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) - Windows Resource Script - MIDL (Microsoft Interface Definition Language) - MS T/SQL - Objective-C - DirectX F
- tutorial @soft:mvmdos
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, css, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, html, ... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met... guages The following table lists each country or language supported by MiniVMDOS. The table also lists the ... the two character sets listed for each country or language is its default character set. <sxh plain;> Coun
- phphum @soft:phphum
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, css, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, html, ... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met... ~ <well> Scripting </well> A scripting or script language is a programming language for a special run-time environment that automates the execution of tasks, the tas
- platform @soft:platform
- as coding) of algorithms in a target programming language. <well> PTSource Developer Platform </well> PTSou... ompilers Included </well> |< 100%>| ^ Compiler ^ Language ^ Machine ^ | Batari | Basic | Atari 2600 | | Pas... ompilers Included </well> |< 100%>| ^ Compiler ^ Language ^ | Freewrap | Tcl/Tk | | PyInstaller, Py2exe | P... ompilers Included </well> |< 100%>| ^ Compiler ^ Language ^ x86 ^ x64 ^ Version ^ | HarbourMG | C/CLI | Y
- tutorial @soft:phphum
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, css, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, html, ... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met... tom DLLS extends PHP so it is possible to use the language to build a Windows development platform. PHP-HUM
- scripting @soft:vrgrid
- tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its... tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its... lyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" dismiss="false"> ** Language ** </alert> <well> Comments </well> <nowiki> //
- vrgrid @soft:vrgrid
- tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its... tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its... tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its
- tips @soft:ptminivm
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, css, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, html, ... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met
- vrf_libeditor @soft:vrgrid
- tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its... tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its
- textures @soft:vrgrid
- tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its... tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its
- vrf_files @soft:vrgrid
- tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its... tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its
- howtos @soft:ptminivm
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, css, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, html, ... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met
- utilities @soft:ptminivm
- metatags> metatag-keywords=(students, programming-language, css, harbour, php, perl, converter, java, html, ... m, html5, debugger, freebasic, gcc, fasm, harbour-language, clipper, cygwin, midnight-commander, dosbox) met
- 3d_objects @soft:vrgrid
- tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its... tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its
- cloud_hosting @soft:vrgrid
- tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its... tile cuboid engine. It features its own scripting language for intuitive software design and support for its