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- scripting
- l> The <define> tag .Defines script variables and functions. The <define> tag can be contained by <design> an... vrf is rendered. </alert> The <script> tag. Call functions and perform other scripting operations. <sxh xml;... rf. It also holds all of the global variables and functions defined in the stand-alone <define> tag in a vrf.... h </well> The math object provides mathematical functions and constants. <sxh php;> math.pi </sxh> //real
- vrf_files
- efine> tag is used to define script variables and functions in your VRF. See Scripting for more details. <sxh xml;> <define> ... variables and functions ... </define> </sxh> The <include> tag. The <inc... ions_per_second"/> </sxh> The <script> tag .Call functions and perform other scripting operations. See Scrip
- tutorial
- ike lights and sounds, the radius for popups only functions on one layer, i.e. a popup on layer 4 with a radi