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tutorial @soft:vrgrid
26 Hits, Last modified:
file named myfirstvrf.vrf Go ahead and type the following lines in that file to get started : <sxh xml;> <v... ll be displayed at the bottom of VRGrid. Put the following code between the <globals> tags in your VRF file:... cached before attempting to download it. Put the following code between the <globals> tags in your VRF file:... ts wide, 9 units long, and 1 unit high. Put the following code between the <globals> tags in your VRF file.
howtos @soft:platform
5 Hits, Last modified:
e typed in without escaping from the Editor. The following example shows how to set up 'User Tools' to use W... tracted the Win32API help file (Win32.chm) in the following directory. C:\Win32API\Win32.chm - Open Prefe... page - Select an empty slot and fill with the following arguments. * Menu Text: Win32API Context Help ... s page - Select an empty slot and fill with the following arguments. * Menu Text: Online Service * Co
scripting @soft:vrgrid
5 Hits, Last modified:
/alert> <well> Comments </well> <nowiki> // text following double slashes is ignored to end of line /* text... ro or more elements of any type. Note that in the following table, "array" is a placeholder for the name of t... e playback mode of the sound, which is one of the following: "looped", "random", "single", "once". <sxh ph... provides ways to manipulate it. Note that in the following tables, "vrobj" is a placeholder for a variable t
tutorial @soft:mvmdos
5 Hits, Last modified:
mation. Specifying supported languages The following table lists each country or language supported by... me, date, and case to French conventions, add the following command to your CONFIG.SYS file: <sxh plain;> COU... er set with the country code for France, type the following: <sxh plain;> COUNTRY=033,850 </sxh> If you omit ... hat would have preceded the character set, as the following example shows: <sxh plain;> COUNTRY=033,,C:\BIN\L
vrf_files @soft:vrgrid
4 Hits, Last modified:
e case. All values, meaning anything immediately following an equals sign must be surrounded by quotes. Any ... ses . To include comments in a VRF file, use the following syntax: <sxh xml;> <!-- your comments here --> </... reate> tag can also include any or all of the the following tags: <enter>, <exit>,<popup>, <point_light>, <vr... , usually at the end of the design or immediately following the layer in which it occurs. <sxh xml;> <exit lo
mutt @soft:ptlynx
3 Hits, Last modified:
POP. <well> Personal information </well> Add the following lines to Muttrc: <sxh plain;> set realname = 'Fo... /sxh> <well> Using IMAP with Mutt </well> Add the following lines to Muttrc: <sxh plain;> set imap_user = foo... </sxh> <well> Using POP with Mutt </well> Add the following lines to Muttrc: <sxh plain;> set mbox_type=Maild
calculator @soft:platform
3 Hits, Last modified:
he answer quickly. <well> Usage Examples </well> Following examples show how to use the built-in calculator:... ll> sin(1.2) + atan2(3.2, 4.3) = 1.571809 <well> Following list shows basic mathematics functions supported ... nh, tanh, exp, log, log10, pow, sqr, sqrt <well> Following list shows date functions supported by the editor
utilities @soft:mvmdos
2 Hits, Last modified:
y contains both COMMAND.COM and CONFIG.SYS then following will occur. <sxh plain;> C:\ dir c<HOT_KEY> C:\... isk with two levels of subdirectoryies then the following is possible. <sxh plain;> C:\ dir A:\ba<HOT_KEY>
tutorial @soft:phphum
1 Hits, Last modified:
can have any valid PHP function name and has the following prototype: <sxh php;> void fn_handler (int windo
tutorial @soft:ptminivm
1 Hits, Last modified:
for other emulators and virtual machines. Use the following static IP settings : * Device: NE2000 or comp
regexp @soft:platform
1 Hits, Last modified:
inning of the string. The caret (^) immediately following the left-bracket ([) has a different meaning. It
websafe @soft:websafe
1 Hits, Last modified:
iguration file and the database you shoud add the following to your .htaccess file. <sxh bash;> ## WEBSAFE