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tutorial @soft:vrgrid
55 Hits, Last modified:
percentage. If you don't specify brightness, the default level is 100%. If you leave out the <sky> tag altogether, the background will default to the sky texture specified in the library. Reme... sly through virtual space. If you want to use the default ground texture specified by the library, then sim... y what color the light is in your VRF. Brightness defaults to 100%, if not otherwise specified. Color defau
curlcommands @tips
14 Hits, Last modified:
for curl, it will simply fetch the data using the default communication protocol HTTP. The below command wi... can also download files and save them using their default names. Youll need to utilize the **-O** option fo... specified by their URLs and save them using their default names. The backslash **‘\** is used for spanning ... ther in a sequence and save the files using their default name on the remote server. <well>Retrieve URL He
nmapcommands @tips
13 Hits, Last modified:
ible. <well> Increase Scan Verbosity </well> The default search provides quite limited information. Nmap o... p to crash the hosts under inspection though. The default Nmap scan utilizes -T3. <well> Enable OS Detec... e Reverse DNS Resolution for All Hosts</well> By default, Nmap performs reverse DNS resolution for only ho... e problem is that most of the time Nmap shows the default services associated with a port. This can cause p
vrffiles @soft:vrgrid
12 Hits, Last modified:
sky or enclosure image between 0 and 100 percent (default is 100%). <sxh xml;> <sky texture="folder/image.... in units where the fog ends can all be specified. Default fog values are color="(255,255,255)", start="1", end="10", and density="50%". By default, fog is disabled. <sxh xml;> <fog color="(red,gr... ithout having to supply a solid floor. To use the default ground texture, include an "empty" ground tag. If
htaccesshowto @tips
11 Hits, Last modified:
----------------------------------------------- # Default Lang and Basic Security Behavior # --------------... ------------------------ # X-Powered-By hidden by default nobody will notice if you're using PHP or whatever Header unset X-Powered-By # Set by default UTF-8 charset AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 # Don not allow any pages to be framed - Defends against CSRF Header
utilities @soft:mvmdos
4 Hits, Last modified:
h> Cache only the first or second hard drive. By default, VMCache caches both drives (or drive 1 if only o... -e# </sxh> Allocate #K of EMS to the cache. The default is 512K. The actual amount of EMS used may differ... read and cached beyond the number requested. The default is approximately 1/4 of a full track. <sxh plain;... tes to a single track. Delayed writes are off by default. <sxh plain;> vmcache -f </sxh> Flush the cache
tmpwatch @tips
4 Hits, Last modified:
udes the lost+found directory of the root user.By default, tmpwatch deletes files based on their atime (acc... ginning of the article, Tmpwatch delete files, by default, referring the access time of the files. No need ... suffix to time, since the action is performed by default using the hours unit. For example, run the comman... Setup a cronjob to delete files periodically. By default, it leaves a cronjob file under the /etc/cron.dai
mysqltosqlite @tips
3 Hits, Last modified:
ost. Think about time functions for examples, or DEFAULT values, or NULLing a NOT NULL timestamp column to... ngs are not present in SQLite. MySQL <sxh php;> DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP </sxh> SQLite <sxh php;> DEFAULT (Datetime('now','localtime')) </sxh> Several variat
bkplinux @tips
3 Hits, Last modified:
Partimage]] is an open-source software backup, by default it works under Linux system and available to inst... ons, if you dont have a Linux system installed by default you can use SystemRescueCd which is a Live CD that include Partimage by default to do the cloning process that you want. Partima
scripting @soft:vrgrid
2 Hits, Last modified:
witch (x) { case y { do this } case z { do that } default { do default } } </sxh> While-Do loop <sxh php;> while ( expression ) { do this } </sxh> Do-While loop <sx
sidebysideassemblies @tips
1 Hits, Last modified:
re two C run-time assembly versions available. By default the older one (9.0.21022.8) is selected. It is po
ansiescape @tips
1 Hits, Last modified:
ne number, the second # specifies the column. The default for both is 1 * ESC[#A - Cursor Up (CUU) Moves
tarcommands @tips
1 Hits, Last modified:
to a specified directory </well> As you know, By default ''%%tar%%'' extracts the contents in the current
tutorial @soft:mvmdos
1 Hits, Last modified:
r sets listed for each country or language is its default character set. <sxh plain;> Country or language
mvmdos @soft:mvmdos
1 Hits, Last modified:
entium MMX Processor at 580 MHz * 64Mb SDRAM (default) 128Mb SDRAM (using the %%--%%extramem switch)
1 Hits, Last modified:
clinks @tips
1 Hits, Last modified:
vrmodes @soft:vrgrid
1 Hits, Last modified:
tutorial @soft:polydraw
1 Hits, Last modified:
tutorial @soft:ptminivm
1 Hits, Last modified:
ptminivm @soft:ptminivm
1 Hits, Last modified:
tutorial @soft:ptshell
1 Hits, Last modified:
keyboardshortcuts @tips
1 Hits, Last modified:
actions @soft:vrgrid
1 Hits, Last modified:
jquerylinks @tips
1 Hits, Last modified:
tutorial @soft:phphum
1 Hits, Last modified: