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actions @soft:vrgrid
2 Hits, Last modified:
="11" /> </action> </create> </sxh> Now there is another <replace> tag on 3d object "22", with trigger="ro... ep in" radius="3" location="(5,5,1)"> <exit href="another.vrf#default" /> </action> </sxh> <well> Actions i
vrf_files @soft:vrgrid
2 Hits, Last modified:
ion where viewers can hyperlink into the VRF from another VRF or webpage. More than one may be defined in a... -90-90" /> </sxh> The <exit> tag. A hyperlink to another VRF file. Location defines where in the VRF the l
ptminivm @soft:ptminivm
1 Hits, Last modified:
computer system (called the host) to behave like another computer system (called the guest). A virtual mac
howtos @soft:platform
1 Hits, Last modified:
nd FP as native compilers but you may want to add another of your choice, so here is how to do it. In this
formats @soft:platform
1 Hits, Last modified:
- PIC Assembly - XML Schema - JAL(Just Another Language) - Apache Configuration - RWX La
scripting @soft:vrgrid
1 Hits, Last modified:
r2) </sxh> Moves a vrobj from one map location to another. The original map location becomes empty, and the
tutorial @soft:vrgrid
1 Hits, Last modified:
e the orientation of a object, or turn it to face another direction. Orientation is accomplished by specify
regexp @soft:platform
1 Hits, Last modified:
e used when replacing the matched sub-string with another expression. Brackets ([ and ]) enclosing a set
utilities @soft:mvmdos
1 Hits, Last modified:
redirect this output to a file, printer, or even another program using DOS' redirection characters '>', '>