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howtos @soft:platform
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nt: <nowiki>$(CurrWord)</nowiki> * Initial dir:... have a full exe from a tcl script. <well> How to check exe dependencies with depends </well> Open the P... nd issue the command : <sxh bash;> depends exetocheck.exe </sxh> You will get a list of the exe depend
vrgrid @soft:vrgrid
1 Hits, Last modified:
DIY Rift * Side by Side Rift * Over Under * Checkerboard * AG (Red/Cyan) * AG (Red/Cyan) B+W
platform @soft:platform
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asic * FreePascal * Premake5 * Cmake * CPPCheck * Vim * Nano * LUA * Midnight Commander
git @soft:ptshell
2 Hits, Last modified:
witch to a different branch. <sxh bash;> git checkout branch_name </sxh> **Merging Branches:** ... <sxh bash;> git merge branch_name </sxh> **Checking Repository Status** View the status of you
ptshell @soft:ptshell
1 Hits, Last modified:
ll> * UNIX tools * Development Tools * ShellCheck * NodeJS & NPM * Python & PIP * PHP * Per
tutorial @soft:ptshell
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g' alias pip='python -m pip --disable-pip-version-check' alias frink='frink -w 200 -r -j' alias clear='cl