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- tutorial @soft:vrgrid
- you can customize your 3d objects, and where you create your actual global map. The map layers are the he... ixels). Units are arranged into a grid pattern to create each horizontal layer of a VRF. Layers are stacked on top of each other to create multi-layers VRF´S. This tutorial will take you s... tarted </well> After creating a Github account create a repository. In your Github profile page go to "
- tutorial @soft:polydraw
- otate an object. <well> Basic Tutorial </well> To create 2 cubes, side by side * Create a new document (click on File->New, or hit 'Ctrl' and 'N') * Insert a... 'Edit->Undo' (or hit 'Ctrl' & 'Z'). </alert> * Create a new file, by clicking 'File->New' (or hit 'Ctrl... t started, but with the same width & length. * Create a new object for the roof, by clicking 'Edit->Cre
- vrf_files @soft:vrgrid
- ml;> * <vrf> * <globals> * <design> * <create> * <action> * <imagemap> * <define> </sx... den cubes placed side-by-side and also stacked to create layers). <sxh xml;> <map dimensions="(columns,row... ppear in the design of a VRF file </well> The <create> tag. Every 3D object is assigned a double ASCII ... ## which is a wall that is five units wide. The <create> tag allows you to change the textures applied to
- tutorial @soft:phphum
- lar window, you must include WBC_NOTIFY in the wb_create_window() function style parameter when creating t... * wb_call_function - Calls a DLL function * wb_create_control - Creates a control, menu, or accelerator * wb_create_font - Creates a font * wb_create_image - Creates an ima
- actions @soft:vrgrid
- ome sample code and go into the details in how to create a action in this example we will use the <replace> action: <sxh xml;> <create unit="11" vrobj="basic:full"> <side name="*" text... r="roll on" > <replace source="22" /> </action> </create> <create unit="22" vrobj="basic:full"> <side name="*" texture="images/happy.gif" /> </create> </sxh> Her
- scripting @soft:vrgrid
- he <define> tag can be contained by <design> and <create> tags. Variable name, attributes, and values foll... h php;> vrf.new_array() </sxh> //array object// Creates a new array object with no elements. <sxh php;>... functions defined in a <define> tag inside of a <create> tag will be associated with the vrobj of that un
- tutorial_tcl @soft:platform
- # simple_window.tcl package require Tk # Create a new top-level window wm title . "Simple Wind... ick {} { puts "Button Clicked!" } # Create a window and a button wm title . "Button Click... puts "Input Value: $inputValue" } # Create a window, an entry widget, and a button wm tit
- vrf_libeditor @soft:vrgrid
- or </well> With the VRLib Editor, you can open or create new libraries, edit library parameters like versi... ses </well> One purpose of the VRLib Editor is to create libraries containing all the textures, sounds and... VRF. This is a very simple task. You just have to create a new library with VRLib Editor and load all your
- cloud_hosting @soft:vrgrid
- eb space you only need to be a member, after this create a repository for your project. After your repository as been created we need to create a static host adress for it, to do that enter your repository settings and enable Gith
- howtos @soft:ptminivm
- eamonkey.iso]] * Open the PTSource Imager and create a new 2GB Image for the installation * Point ... k with cfdisk and mkfs * Open the console and create a partition with the cfdisk <sxh plain;> Comm
- tutorial_git @soft:platform
-" </sxh> **Initializing a Repository** Create a new Git repository or initialize an existing di... ing with Branches </well> **Creating Branches** Create a new branch to work on a feature or bug fix. <sx
- designer @soft:platform
- interface (API) provided by Microsoft Windows to create graphical user interfaces for applications. It gi... ming concepts and the Windows operating system to create efficient, responsive, and user-friendly applicat
- 3d_objects @soft:vrgrid
- llow you can find VROBJ files that you can use to create your own custom libraries with the PTSource VRLib
- protoweb @tips
- o retaining the context in which these sites were created. This attention to detail is what sets [[https:/
- sounds @soft:vrgrid
- llow you can find sound files that you can use to create your own custom libraries with the PTSource VRLib