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- phplinks @tips
- bio/composed|Composed]] - A library to parse your project's Composer environment at runtime. * [[https://... cript|tooly]] - A library to manage PHAR files in project using Composer. * [[|Tora... h other and from any framework. * [[|Hoa Project]] - Another package of PHP components. * [[|League of Extra
- clinks @tips
- n a few 100k that you can include right into your project. [PublicDomain] * [[ t]] - GNU `gettext'. [GPL2] * [[|IBM ICU]] - A set of C/C++ and Java librarie... Cloud Library is a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing [BSD] ... s based on clang. * [[|cquery]] - A C++ code completion engine f
- howtos @soft:platform
- y which reads a scripted definition of a software project and, most commonly, uses it to generate project files for toolsets like Visual Studio, Xcode, or GNU Make.... kspace" configurations { "Debug", "Release" } project "MyProject" kind "ConsoleApp" language "C++... nning Premake. Create a premake5.lua file in your project directory. Open the PTSource Shell a run premake.
- protoweb @tips
- as still a novel and rapidly evolving space. The project's ultimate goal is to not only preserve these dig... olunteers from around the world contribute to the project by restoring websites, adding new content, and he... ://|Protoweb]] truly special. Its a project by the community, for the community, with each me... se of shared ownership and responsibility for the projects success. <well> Looking to the Future </well>
- shelllinks @tips
- [[|bash]] - GNU Project's shell (Bourne Again SHell) * [[ eractive CLI that generates a .gitignore for your project based on your needs. * [[ Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html#toc|The Linux Documentation Project: Bash Programming - Intro/How-to]] * [[http://w...|The Linux Documentation Project: Advanced Bash Scripting Guide]] * [[https://en
- cloud_hosting @soft:vrgrid
- ting so you and your team can collaborate in your project. <well> VRF Media </well> VRGrid VRF files, ima... cts so unlimited number of people can work in one project, also libraries and files are never lost and alwa... a member, after this create a repository for your project. After your repository as been created we need to
- escargotmsn @tips
- t the service back to life and is functional! The project was developed by [[|Escargo... e communication services. Being a somewhat remote project and removed from Microsoft itself, of course it w
- unixstory @tips
- puter. Drawing inspiration from MINIX and the GNU project, he releases the first version of the Linux kerne... erate across the globe. What began as a personal project soon snowballed into a global phenomenon, as legi
- webasmlinks @tips
-|Emscripten - LLVM-based project that compiles C and C++]] * [[https:///github.c... > Python </well> * [[https:///|Pyodide - The Python scientific stack run
- freecompilers @tips
- Super Tiny Compiler]] - Tiny educational compiler project in JavaScript. * [[ mVM]] - [[|GitHub project mirror]]. * [[|Apach
- html5links @tips
- onents]] * [[|Polymer project]] * [[|Building web components using Polymer and ES6 classes]]
- platform @soft:platform
- LT, Tile, BWidget, PlotChart, Diagrams, 3DOGL * Project Manager * Themes * Macros * Sample code *
- files_windows
- LT, Tile, BWidget, PlotChart, Diagrams, 3DOGL * Project Manager * Themes * Macros * Sample code *
- officesuiteslinux @tips
- workflows. Its integration with mail servers and project management tools enhances productivity, while its
- githublinks @tips
- ement, continuous integration and wikis for every project. <well> Git </well> * [[|Git