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- nmapcommands @tips
- first. Well show how to do simple network scans using Nmap in the following section. <well> Scan a Sin... ticular network. Nmap allows admins to scan hosts using their IP address or hostname easily. The below co... multiple hosts at the same time is also very easy using Nmap. You can do this via simply entering the IP ... IP range. Use the following command to read this using Nmap. <sxh bash;> $ nmap -iL /tmp/hosts </sxh> <
- curlcommands @tips
- l options for curl, it will simply fetch the data using the default communication protocol HTTP. The belo... > We can also download files and save them using their default names. Youll need to utilize the **... this purpose. The below command demonstrates this using the same image file in the above example. <sxh b... filename of this image from its URL and saves it using that. <well>Download Multiple Files</well> c
- aframelinks @tips
- s where developers can create 3D and WebVR scenes using HTML. HTML provides a familiar authoring tool for... * [[|Minecraft in WebVR with HTML Using A-Frame]] * Tutorial on creating a [[|Mi... arted With A-Frame]] * Building the Olympic rings using A-Frame * [[
- html5links @tips
-|Using Geolocation]] <well> Audio </well> * [[ Video in HTML5]] * [[|Using the media capture API]] <well> File </well> * [[https://developer.mozilla
- tutorial @soft:vrgrid
- he <devel> tag is avalible the code will be shown using the "V" key. So if you want to use the <devel> ta... e can also be used to make polygons invisible, by using faces="0". This will prevent textures from being ... ifferent colors as loaders on specific objects by using the color attribute in the <create> tag. If a <cr... ase portal. You can link the portal to any VRF by using an <exit> tag. The <exit> tag <sxh xml;> <exit l
- webasmlinks @tips
- troduction-to-webassembly| Get Started Using WebAssembly (WASM)(2017)]] * [[https:///hoverbe... :///|How to get a performance boost using WebAssembly (2017)]] * [[http://thecodebarbaria... apps/client|Blazor - Microsoft's web UI framework using C#/Razor and HTML, running client-side via WebAss
- phplinks @tips
- oly]] - A library to manage PHAR files in project using Composer. * [[|Toran Prox... ra.View]] - Provides TemplateView and TwoStepView using PHP as the tempting language, with support for pa... halite|Halite]] - A simple library for encryption using [[|libsodium... egiste/Mondrian|Mondrian]] - A code analysis tool using Graph Theory. * [[|
- clinks @tips
- neral purpose cross-platform C++ library designed using contract programming and modern C++ techniques. [... ly-deep|frugally-deep]] - Header-only library for using Keras models in C++. [MIT] * [[https://github.c... source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs [Apache] * [[ s developers with a consistent asynchronous model using a modern C++ approach. [Boost] [[http://think-asy
- shelllinks @tips
- ing system to control the execution of the system using shell scripts. Users typically interact with a Unix shell using a terminal emulator; however, direct operation vi... /thefuck|thefuck]] - Fix common shell mistakes by using an easy to remember command * [[https://github.... Automatically star the npm-packages that you are using on GitHub. * [[|t
- htaccesshowto @tips
- By hidden by default nobody will notice if you're using PHP or whatever Header unset X-Powered-By # Set b... /CORS_Enabled_Image # - # - require RewriteBase to be set: # If using the h5bp in a subdirectory, use `RewriteBase /foo
- webvrlinks @tips
- rver|SceneVR]] * Create multiuser 3D environments using HTML-like tags and JavaScript. * [[https://afra... tml2three]] * A library for creating VR web-sites using HTML and CSS <well> Utilities </well> * [[https... ]] * A demonstration of how to create a WebVR app using vanilla ES6 JavaScript without any framework (i.e... he webvr canvas acts nicely with web page layouts using responsive design strategy. * [[https://art-soc
- tmpwatch @tips
- tatag-description=(Remove files older than N days using Tmpwatch/Tmpreaper on Linux.) metatag-media-og:im... ag-og:description=(Remove files older than N days using Tmpwatch/Tmpreaper on Linux.) }} <well> Remove files older than N days using Tmpwatch/Tmpreaper on Linux. </well> You may have... nstall -y tmpwatch </sxh> Make a note: If you are using Debian-based systems, use tmpreaper instead of tm
- jquerylinks @tips
- ation, and Ajax. It is free, open-source software using the permissive MIT License. As of May 2019, jQuer... gh common problems you'll be called upon to solve using jQuery. <well> Paid Books </well> * [[https://w... hart-jQuery|AnyChart-jQuery]] - Plugin for easily using AnyChart JavaScript charting library with jQuery.... datco/arbor|Arbor]] - Graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery. * [[
- calculator @soft:platform
- ns the arctangent of y/x, in the range -pi to pi, using the signs of both arguments to determine the quad... he number of days between start_date and end_date using the given day-count basis basis: * 0 = actual/a... he number of days between start_date and end_date using the given day-count basis frequency: * 1 = annu... he number of days between start_date and end_date using the given day-count basis. basis: * 0 = actual/
- vrffiles @soft:vrgrid
- mation bounded in this way will be ignored. Avoid using multiple, consecutive dashes in comments for comp... the <devel> tag is present the code will be shown using the V key. <sxh xml;> <devel /> </sxh> The <title... get a warning if the version of the library he is using is lower than the required one. <sxh xml;> <lib ... that they don't take a location attribute. Avoid using < or & in your vrobj symbols for XML compliance.